Restriction on SPEL+ command execution

I/O operation and commands (On, Off, SW, Ctr, etc.)

All I/Os, including optional boards, are available. Operating I/O data is stored in the PC memory (virtual I/O mode). The I/O input status can be changed from the Epson RC+ I/O Monitor window. Also, the I/O input status can be changed using the SetSw or SetIn statements in a SPEL+ program.


Even if you specify an asynchronous On/Off command, the I/O status cannot be changed after the specified time. The Ctr function always returns 0.

Ethernet/RS-232C communication command (Print #, Input # , OpenCom, OpenNet, etc.)

All 16 Ethernet ports are available. However, an Ethernet port requires configuration of the IP address and TCP/IP port.

For RS-232C on the Controller, all 8 ports, including the optional RS-232C board, are available.


For RC800, RC700 and RC90 series Controller, up to 5 ports, including the standard port and the optional RC-232C port, are available. T series and VT series Manipulator do not have RS-232C ports on the Controller. Be careful of the number of the ports when using the project created in the virtual controller to the Controller.

As a default, Ethernet / RS-232C communication commands do not perform actual communication.

To use the actual Ethernet/RC-232C ports, be sure to configure as described in (3).

Output data from Print # , etc. is saved in the communication output file. In the input by Input #, etc, the return value is 0 (numeric data) or blank (string). However, if you create a communication response file, the return value depends on the file content.

Communication output file

When an OpenCom or OpenNet command is called, a communication output file is created. For the output destination folder of the communication output file, see below.

DummySend***.dat: Communication output file (*** is the port number)

When a communication output file already exists, the previous output data is deleted. The file is deleted when you switch the project; save the file in a proper folder if you need.

When executing the following program,

OpenCom #1
Print #1, 123
Print #1, "TEST DATA"
CloseCom #1

The DummySend001.dat file will contain the following:


Communication response file

Copy the communication response file to the designated folder in advance. For the communication response file folder, see below.

The file is deleted when you change the project; save the file in another folder if you need to keep it.

When calling OpenCom or OpenNet command, the communication response file is loaded.

DummyRead***.dat: Communication response file (*** is a port number)

When the following DummyRead001.dat file is used,

Test Data

When executing the following program,

Integer i
String s$
OpenCom #1
Input # 1, i
Input # 1, s$
CloseCom #1
Print i
Print s$

the return values are i = 321 (numeric data), and s$ = "Test Data" (string).

How to enable the actual ports of Ethernet/RS-232C in the virtual controller

Actual ports become available when [Real] is selected in [Setup]-[System Configuration]-[Controller]-[TCP/IP] from the Epson RC+ 8.0 menu.

Change the port settings, then click the [Apply] button and the [Close]button.

Actual ports become available when [Real] is selected in [Setup]-[System Configuration]-[Controller]-[RS-232]-[PC] from the Epson RC+ 8.0 menu.

Select the PC port, then click the [Apply] button and the [Close] button.

Actual ports become available when [Real] is selected in [Setup]-[System Configuration]-[Controller]-[RS-232]-[Controller].

Select the PC port, then click the [Apply] button and the [Close] button.

To use the actual Ethernet/RC-232C ports, select the [Actual] button in the configuration dialog.

Vision command (VRun, VGet, etc.)

Vision sequence can be executed with an image file set in ImageFile property as an input image. Also the result can be acquired by VGet. When the PC vision is set and the GigE camera is connected, vision commands such as VRun and VGet the can be executed using actual camera image. In this case, commands can be executed from the virtual camera function like the Compact Vision, when the GigE camera is not connected.

For details on Vision Guide, refer to the following manual.

"Epson RC+ Option Vision Guide 8.0"

Other restrictions

  • For the Wait command, the following syntax is not supported:
    Wait InsideBox()
    Wait InsidePlane()
  • For the Time and Date commands, the time can be displayed, but the time setting is not available.
  • For the SimSet commands, the motion of the parts that specify Pick or Place and movement or rotation of the objects that specify PositonX, PositionY, PositionZ, RotaitonX, RotationY, or RotationZ cannot be recorded and produced by the [Record/Playback] functions.

Program total execution time

In the virtual controller, the total execution time of programs is limited to one hour.

If total execution is over one hour, a warning message appears.

You can execute the program again after the warning is displayed. The total execution timer will be reset.