Part/Mounted Device Settings

You can move the layout objects along with the robot like part such as workpieces grasped by the robot or devices mounted on the robot arm.

Set the layout objects for part/mounted device settings in the [Part/Mounted Device Settings] dialog. In the dialog, there are two methods to display

  • Right-click the target object in the [Layout] panel. Select [Part/Mounted Device Settings] from the displayed context menu.
  • If you click the  [Down arrow] button shown in [Type] on the Property Grid and change it to Part or Mounted Device, the [Part/Mounted Device Settings] dialog will appear.

There are two methods to reset the Part/Mounted Device Settings and return the [Type] to "Layout".

  • Click the [UnRegister] button on the [Part/Mounted Device Settings] dialog.
  • Select the "Layout" on the [Type] property of property grid.

Item Description
Type Select from the following.
  • Layout: Layout object (default)
  • Part: Part object
  • Mounted Device: Mounted device
Render Object Origin Display the object origin.
Robot Set a robot that relates to the selected object.
Tool When the [Type] is "Part", set the tool coordinate system to place an object.
Render Selected Tool Display the tool coordinate system.
Joint When the [Type] is "Mounted Device", set joint number to place an object.
Render Selected Joint Display joints.
Offset From Selected Tool or Joint Set a relative position from the selected tool or joint.
Zero Clear Set the offset value to "0.000".
Register Register an object to the selected type.
UnRegister Return the registered [Type] of the object to "Layout".
Cancel Cancel the settings.

The Part/Mounted Device Settings can also be configured from the property grid.

From the property grid, you can configure the following settings.

Property Value
Type Sets the object type being set. Click and select the type from the drop-down list.
  • Layout: Layout object (default)
  • Part: Part object
  • Mounted Device: Mounted device
Robot Display the robot number to which the selected object is associated. If multiple robots are set, you can also change robots.
Tool If the Type is "Part", the number of the tool coordinate system in which the object is placed is displayed. If multiple tool coordinate systems are set, the tool coordinate system can also be changed.
Joint If the Type is "Mounted Device", the number of the joint where the object is placed is displayed. This can also be changed.
Offset Position

Display the position relative to the tool or joint being set. This can also be changed.

It is linked to the setting value of the selected object's Position property, Tool property, or Joint property.

Therefore, changes to these properties may cause the values to be updated automatically. Even in such cases, the values are correct as settings and do not affect the position of the object in 3D.

Offset Rotation

Display the orientation relative to the tool or joint being set. This can also be changed.

It is linked to the setting value of the selected object's Rotation property, Tool property, or Joint property.

Therefore, changes to these properties may cause the setting values to be updated automatically as follows:

When Y is set at +90 degrees or -90 degrees, the X and Z settings are swapped.

Even in such cases, the values are correct as settings and do not affect the orientation of the object in 3D.