CAD to Point for ECP (SCARA Robot)

This section describes CAD to Point for ECP for a SCARA robot.

In the example, create a motion to follow an outer circumference of grasped CAD object (tray) by the robot on the edge of fixed syringe.

Operate the following procedures:

  • Connect to virtual controller "CTPforECP GX8-C"
  • Open a project
  • Select CAD Object and ECP
  • Select an edge of CAD object and create a motion path of the robot
  • Output as point data
  • Create a program
  • Operate the robot by executing the program
  1. Connect to virtual controller "CTPforECP GX8-C"

    Select "CTP for ECP" of [Connection:] on Epson RC+ 8.0 toolbar. When the connection is complete, "CTP for ECP" is displayed in the [Connection:] box.

    Click the  [Simulator] button on the toolbar to display the Simulator window. CAD objects: "sample_part" and "syringe", and Hand objects are placed.

  2. Open a project

    1. Click [Open...] from [Project] on Epson RC+ 8.0 menu.
    2. Select [Projects]-[SimulatorDemos]-[CTP_for_ECP_GX8_C].
    3. Click the [Open] button.
  3. Select CAD Object and ECP

    1. Click the  [CAD to Point for ECP button on the toolbar to display the [Select CAD Object and ECP] dialog.

    2. Set as follows.

      • CAD: sample_part
      • Robot: 1
      • Tool: 1
      • Offset settings (X, Y, Z, Rx, Ry, Rz): 0, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0
      • ECP: 1
  4. Select an edge of CAD object and create a motion path of the robot

    1. Click the [Select Edge] button to display the [CAD to Point (ECP Support)] dialog.

    2. To operate the sample program properly, select edges in clockwise rotation sequentially from edge of straight part of right tray. For selection of surface including edges and edges, see below.

      CAD To Point (6-axis Robot)

      The straight part indicates edges on flat surface on the outer circumference.

      The curve part indicates edges on side of the tray.

      For division number and offset for each edge, refer to the following values.

Edge number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Type Straight Curve Straight Curve Straight Curve Straight Curve
Division number 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2
Offset Position (mm) X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Orientation (deg) Rx 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 90
Ry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rz 0 180 90 180 180 0 -90 -90

When all edges are set properly, it will be as follows.

  1. Export the edges as point data

    Click the [Export Points] button of the [CAD to Point (ECP Support)] dialog to display the [Export Points] dialog.

    Click the [OK] button to output the point data to rows No. 0-12 in point file "robot1.pts".

  2. Create a program

    1. Set the proper robot orientation for the point data.

      Open the point file "robot1.pts" from the layout objects and perform the following.

      • Output U value of point No. 6: -180.000 → 180.000
      • Output U value of point No. 8: -135.000 → 225.000
      • Output U value of point No. 9-10: -90.000 → 270.000
      • Output U value of point No. 11: -45.000 → 315.000
      • Output U value of point No. 12: 0.000 → 360.000

    2. Create the following program in Main.prg program.

      Function main2
        Motor On
        Power High
        Tool 1
        ECP 1
        Go P0 +Z(-10)
        Go P0
        Move P1 ECP CP
        Arc3 P2, P3 ECP CP
        Move P4 CP
        Arc3 P5, P6 ECP CP
        Move P7 CP
        Arc3 P8, P9 ECP CP
        Move P10 CP
        Arc3 P11, P12 ECP CP
        Move P12 +Z(-50)
        Pulse 0, 0, 0, 0
        Motor Off
    3. Click the [Build] button on the toolbar. The program will be built.

    When the build is complete, the message "Build complete, no errors" appears in the status window.

  3. Operate the robot by executing the program

    1. Click the [Run Window] button on the toolbar  to display the Run window.
    2. Select a function "main2" created in step 6, and then click the [Start] button." When the message "Are you ready to start?" appears, click [Yes].
    3. Confirm that the program is executed and follow an outer circumference of grasped CAD object (tray) by the robot on the edge of fixed syringe to operate ECP motion.

Functions of CAD to Point for ECP

Click the  [CAD to Point for ECP button on the toolbar to display the [CAD to Point (ECP Support)] dialog. For functions, see below.

CAD To Point (6-axis Robot) - "Function of CAD to Point"

Combination with Pick & Place operation

This sample project contains a program that combines the Pick & Place operation of "sample_part" and the ECP operation created up to this point as a "main" function. Confirm the operation by following the steps.

  1. Click the [Run Window] button on the toolbar to display the Run window.

  2. Select the function "SetDefaultSetting" and then click the [Start] button.

    When the message "Are you ready to start?" appears, click [Yes]. The robot and "sample_part" will be reset to their default positions and postures.

  3. Select the function "main", and then click the [Start] button.

    As in (2), When the message "Are you ready to start?" appears, click [Yes]. You will see the robot grasp the "sample_part" on the moving conveyor, trace its perimeter with ECP motion, and then reposition the "sample_part" on the conveyor.

The Pick & Place operation can be performed with the SimSet command. For details, refer to the following manual.

"SPEL+ Language Reference"