
Settings related to 3D display of the force control data.

You can set the force coordinate system and moving direction for force object or force guide object.

Render Force Coordinate System Options

Item Description
Length Set a length of the coordinate axis of the force coordinate system.
Render Rotation Direction Display the rotational direction of the coordinate axis.
Render Axis Name Displays the coordinate axis names (Fx, Fy, Fz, Tx, Ty, Tz).
Render On Front Display the arrow of "Render Force Coordinate System" in front of the robot or the force sensor.
Render Moving Direction Show the moving direction of the robot by the force control.
Length Set a length of an arrow that shows the moving direction of the robot.
Thickness Set a thickness of an arrow that shows the moving direction of the robot.
Color Set a color of an arrow that shows the moving direction of the robot.
Render Labels Show a label of the force object and force guide object name.