Specifications and precautions for the 3D display

Available robots for 3D display

In the future, we will add more robots for 3D display. Please contact the supplier of your region for the latest information.

Some robots cannot use this function. For details on unsupported models, see below.

Appendix C: Simulator Functions List of Unsupported Manipulator Models


  • The flexible duct is displayed roughly.
    • Check the manipulator manual for the dimensions.
    • The duct actually vibrates while the manipulator is moving, the simulator doesn't display the vibration. Check how the duct vibrates with your real manipulator.
  • The bellow for Cleanroom or Protected-model is displayed roughly
    • Check the manipulator manual for the dimensions.

Available CAD data for 3D** display**

The following format is available for 3D display to show the robot hand and CAD object.

  • VRML 2.0 *1
  • STEP (AP203/AP214) *2
  • IGES
  • DXF
  • AutoCAD R software DXF Format (DXF R13, DXF R14, DXF 2000/2000i, DXF 2002)

*1 Limits of reading: VRML2.0 prototype is not supported.

*2 Limits of reading: The file whose character code is only ASCII can be read. In addition, if Color is configured in Face, the specified Color is displayed.


The data file must be saved in the specified folder on the PC. It is not saved in the Epson RC+.

The character code of file path for CAD data

For CAD data files in VRML 2.0 format or IGES format, the data cannot be loaded if character code is included that differs from the language in the operating environment used in the file path (file name, folder name). Change the file and folder name to be the same character code as the language in operating environment.

CAD data loading restrictions

The total number of polygons and polylines is limited to a million each. When the error message appears, reduce the number of polygons and polylines.

CAD data setup orientation

Some CAD data coordinates may be different from those of the simulator.

Adjust the coordinates to the correct position by changing [Property]-[ Rotation] after loading the CAD data.

When loading CAD data as a hand, set the origin of the CAD data in the Tool0 position of the manipulator. Set the coordinates to the correct position by changing [Property]-[Position] after loading the CAD data.

Number of available layout objects

You can create as many layout objects as you want.

However, when there are many objects to display, the display update interval becomes longer and the judgment of collision detection becomes rough.

Especially for CAD data, displaying data that is too complicated is not recommended.

Shape of CAD object

The shape of objects may be displayed incorrectly (such as a clearance arises between the faces) depending on the CAD data. In such a case, the shape may be improved by converting the data to a different format.

Front-back relation of objects in semi-transparent display

The front-back relation of the objects may be incorrect when displaying the CAD and Hand objects in semi-transparent display.

Rendering speed

It may take a few seconds to render the objects depending on the display adapter, and operability such as in selecting the object may be decreased. It is recommended to update the driver to the latest version.