Settings related to 3D display of the robot.
Render Robot Options
Item | Description |
Render Joints | Displays an arrow that shows a supporting point and a rotation axis of the robot. |
- Length | Set a length for rendering the joints. |
- Render Rotation Direction | Display a rotation direction when rendering the joints. |
- Render Joint Name | Display the joint names (J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6) when rendering the joints. |
- Render On Front | Display the arrow of "Render Joints" in front of the robot. |
Render TCP Path Options
Item | Description |
Render TCP Path | Displays the path of the origin point on active Tool coordinate system for a fixed time. |
Render Singularity Avoiding path | Only displays the path of operation to avoid render singularity for the path of the origin point on active Tool coordinate system. |
Style | Select line or dot to indicate the paths. |
Width | Specify the line width of paths. |
Radius | Specify the diameter of dots indicating paths. |
Color | Specify the color of paths. |