P# (1. Point Definition) Statement

Defines a robot point by assigning it to a point expression.

point = pointExpr

pointLabel = pointExpr


Specify a point as a numeric value or a bracketed expression.

  • Pnumber
  • P(expr)
Specify the point label.
Specify the point with one of the following point data:
P point number, Point label, Here, Pallet, Point data function (Here function, XY function, JA function, Pulse function, etc..)
For details of pointExpr, refer to P# (2. Point Expression)

Define a robot point by setting it equal to another point or point expression.

See Also
Local, Pallet, PDef, PDel, Plist

Point Definition Example
The following examples are done from the command window:

Assign coordinates to P1:

> P1 = 300,200,-50,100

Specify left arm posture:

> P2 = -400,200,-80,100/L

Add 20 to X coordinate of P2 and define resulting point as P3:

> P3 = P2 +X(20)
> plist 3

Subtract 50 from Y coordinate of P2, substitute -30 for Z coordinate, and define the resulting point P4 as right arm posture:

>P4=P2 -Y(50) :Z(-30) /R
> plist 4
P4 = XY(-450,200,-30,100)/R

Add 90 to U coordinate of Pallet(3, 5), and define resulting point as P6:

> P5 = Here
> P6 = pallet(3,5) +U(90)