Print Statement

Outputs data to the current display window, including the Run window, Operator window, Command window, and Macro window.

Print expression [ ,expression... ] [ , ]

Print Statement


Optional. A number or string expression.
, (comma)
Optional. If a comma is provided at the end of the statement, then a CRLF will not be added.

Return Values
Variable data or the specified character string.

Print displays variable data or the character string on the display device.

An end of line CRLF (carriage return and line feed) is automatically appended to each output unless a comma is used at the end of the statement.


This command can handle up to 256 bytes.

  • Make Sure Print is used with Wait or a motion within a loop

    The Controller may freeze up if only Print is used in loop (loops with no Wait or no motion).

    Be sure to use Print with Wait command or a motion command within a loop.

    Bad example

        Print "1234"

    Good example

        Print "1234"
        Wait 0.1

See Also
Print Statement #

Print Statement Example
The following example extracts the U Axis coordinate value from a Point P100 and puts the coordinate value in the variable uvar. The value is then printed to the current display window.

Function test
  Real uvar
  uvar = CU(P100)
  Print "The U Axis Coordinate of " + Chr$(34) + "P100" + Chr$(34) + " is ", uvar