SavePoints Statement

Saves point data in main memory to a disk file for the current robot.

SavePoints filename


Specifies the name of the destination file where point data will be saved, as a string expression. The extension must be “.pts”. You cannot specify a file path and fileName doesn’t have any effect from ChDisk. See ChDisk for the details.

SavePoints saves points for the current robot to the specified file in the current project directory. The extension must be “.pts”. The extension must be .PTS.

The SavePoints command will also add the point file to the project for the current robot if it did not already exist.

The point data is stored in the Compact Flash inside of the controller. Therefore, SavePoints starts writing into the Compact Flash. Frequent writing into the Compact Flash will shorten the Compact Flash lifetime. We recommend using SavePoints only for saving the point data.

Potential Errors

  • Out of Disk Space

    If there is no space remaining an error will occur.

  • Point file for another robot.

    If fileName is a point file for another robot, an error will occur.

  • A Path Cannot be Specified

    If fileName contains a path, an error will occur. Only a file name in the current project can be specified.

  • Bad File name

    If a file name is entered which has spaces in the name, or other bad file name characteristics an error will occur.

See Also
ImportPoints, LoadPoints

SavePoints Statement Example

For i = 1 To 10
   P(i) = XY(i, 100, 0, 0)
Next i
SavePoints "TEST.PTS"