SF_LimitSpeedS Statement

Sets and displays the speed adjustment value for the function that adjusts the speed at the position set by the Tool command when SLS is enabled.

SF_LimitSpeedS [SLS number [, speed adjustment value]]


SLS number
Specify the SLS number as an integer value (1-3) or as one of the following constants: Optional.

Constant Value Description
SLS_1 1 Speed adjustment function when SLS_1 is enabled
SLS_2 2 Speed adjustment function when SLS_2 is enabled
SLS_3 3 Speed adjustment function when SLS_3 is enabled
_SLS_T 9 Speed adjustment function when SLS_T is enabled *1
_SLS_T2 10 Speed adjustment function when SLS_T2 is enabled *1
*1 For SLS_T and SLS_T2, you cannot set the speed adjustment value with this command. The speed is adjusted at the monitored speed set in Safety Function Manager. For more information, refer to the following manual:
"Robot Controller Safety Function Manual"
speed adjustment value
Specify the speed as an integer value (0 to 10000, unit: mm/sec). Optional. If 0 is specified, the speed adjustment value is set automatically. The initial value is 0.

Sets and displays the function that adjusts the speed of the position set by the Tool command when SLS is enabled. The part whose speed is adjusted by this function is the tool position currently selected by the Tool command. Note that this is not the TCP position set in the safety function parameters.

Set the velocity adjustment value [mm/sec] for the specified SLS number. If the second parameter is omitted, the speed adjustment value of the specified SLS number will appear.

If all parameters are omitted, the speed adjustment value of all SLS numbers will appear.

This command can be used with the Controllers with Safety Board.

It is available only when Safety Function Options are activated.


  • The position that is speed adjusted by SF_LimitSpeedS is the tool position selected by the Tool command.

    The speed adjustment value set in SF_LimitSpeedS is applied to the speed at the tool position set by the Tool command. The Safety Function Manager TCP position is not automatically set in the Tool command. Use the Tool command to set the proper TCP location.

    Also, if automatic speed adjustment does not function correctly, use SF_PeakSpeedS and SF_RealSpeedS to measure the robot arm operation speed. Use Speed, SpeedFactor, SpeedS, etc. to control the robot arm operation speed so that it does not exceed the SLS monitoring speed (safety function parameter).

SF_LimitSpeedS Statement Example
How to set the speed adjustment value for SLS_1 to 1500mm/sec

SF_LimitSpeedS SLS_1, 1500

How to display the speed adjustment value for SLS_2 (using the command window)

> SF_LimitSpeedS SLS_2
SLS_2: 400

How to display the speed adjustment value for all SLS numbers (using the command window)

> SF_LimitSpeedS
SLS_1: 1500
SLS_2: 400
SLS_3: 750
SLS_T: 250
SLS_T2: 3000