SF_LimitSpeedS Function

Returns the speed adjustment value of the function that adjusts the speed at the position set by the Tool command when SLS is enabled.

SF_LimitSpeedS (SLS number)


SLS number
Specify the SLS number as an integer value or as a constant as shown below.

Constant Value Description
SLS_1 1 Speed adjustment function when SLS_1 is enabled
SLS_2 2 Speed adjustment function when SLS_2 is enabled
SLS_3 3 Speed adjustment function when SLS_3 is enabled
_SLS_T 9 Speed adjustment function when SLS_T is enabled
_SLS_T2 10 Speed adjustment function when SLS_T2 is enabled

Return Values
Returns the speed adjustment value [mm/sec] for the specified SLS number.

Returns the speed adjustment value [mm/sec] for the SLS number specified by the function that adjusts speed when SLS is enabled.

This command can be used with the Controllers with Safety Board.

SF_LimitSpeedS Function Example

Integer i
i = SF_LimitSpeedS(SLS_1)
Print "SLS_1 limit speed is ", i