SFree Statement

State free the specified servo axis.

SFree jointNumber [ , jointNumber,... ]


Specify the joint number (an integer from 1 to 9) as an expression or numeric value. Additional S axis is 8, and T axis is 9.

SFree removes servo power from the specified servo joints. This instruction is used for the direct teaching or the part installation by state free joint the specified joint. To release the free joint state, execute the SLock instruction, Motor On or Motor Off.

SFree initializes the robot control parameter.

See Motor On for the details.


  • SFree Sets Some System Items back to Their Initial State:

    SFree, for safety purposes, initializes parameters concerning the robot arm speed or acceleration (Speed ,SpeedS, Accel, AccelS etc.), and the LimZ parameter. For details, refer to the Motor On.

    Firmware version earlier than, SFree is available with only Motor ON state.

    SFree changes the motion as following below depends to the firmware version.

    Firmware SFree Available/ Not available
    Before Only when motor is on
    After When motor is on, or motor is off


  • SFree and its Use with the Z Joint and U Joint for SCARA robots (including RS series)

    The Z joint has electromagnetic brakes so setting SFree for the Z joint does not immediately allow the Z joint to be moved. To move the Z joint by hand requires the brake to be released continuously by pressing the brake release switch on the top of the robot arm.

    Some model has electronic brake on the U joint. When the robot has the U joint electronic brake, setting SFree for the U joint does not immediately allow the U joint to be moved. To move the U joint by hand requires the brake to be released continuously by pressing the brake release switch on the top of the robot arm.

  • SFree is Not Valid with 6-Axis robots (including N series)

    When SFree is executed in 6-axis robots (including N series), an error occurs.

    To move the arm by hands, release the electromagnetic brake by using Brake Off after tuning OFF the motor by Motor Off.

  • Executing motion commands while joints are in free joint state

    Attempting to execute a motion command while in the free joint condition will cause an error in the Controller’s default state. However, to allow motion while 1 or more of the joints are in the free joint state, select the [Allow motion with one or more joints free] checkbox from [Setup]-[System Configuration]-[Controller]-[Preferences].

  • Do not use SFree during Conveyor Tracking

    Error 5057 or 5058 might occur if SFree is used during conveyor tracking. Use SFree after terminating conveyor tracking such as Cnv_AbortTrack.

See Also
Brake, LimZ, Motor, SFree Function, SLock

SFree Statement Example
This is a simple example on the usage of the SFree command. To operate the robot in this exemple, the [Allow motion with one or more joints free] checkbox must be selected from [Setup]-[System Configuration]-[Controller]-[Preferences].

Function GoPick
   Speed pickSpeed
   SFree 1, 2     'State J1 and J2 to free joint
'and control the Z and U joints for part installation.
   Go pick
   SLock 1, 2     'Release the free joint state of J1 and J2.