Sqr Function
Computes the non-negative square root value of the operand.
- number
- Specify a real numeric value or an expression.
Return Values
Square root value.
The Sqr function returns the non-negative square root value of the operand.
Potential Error
Negative operand
If the operand is or has a negative numeric value, an error will occur.
See Also
Abs, And, Atan, Atan2, Cos, Int, Mod, Not, Or, Sgn, Sin, Str$, Tan, Val, Xor
Sqr Function Example
This is a simple Command window example on the usage of the Sqr function.
>print sqr(2)
The following example shows a simple program which uses Sqr.
Function sqrtest
Real x
Print "Please enter a numeric value:"
Input x
Print "The Square Root of ", x, " is ", Sqr(x)