Remote RS232 Command
Remote start
Start the Remote RS232 function of the Controller.
EOT 1 Byte |
EOT : &H04(&H is hexadecimal)
Request format
STX 1 Byte | Command 1 Byte | Data Variable | ETX 1 Byte | BCC 1 Byte |
STX: &H02
ETX: &H03
BCC : Checksum of sent and received data
XOR value from the command to ETX per 1Byte
Remote command | Send command | Data | Description | Input acceptance condition (*1) |
Login | 'L' &H4C | Password | Authentication by password Execute Login correctly, commands execution is enabled until Logout | Available any time (*2) |
Logout | 'l' &H6C | After Logout, execute the Login command to start remote RS232 function. Logout during task execution causes an error. | Available any time (*2) | |
Start | 'G' &H47 | Function No. (1 Byte) | Execute the function of specified number (*3)(*11) Example) Execute 'main' &H02&H47&H00&H03&H44 | Auto ON Ready ON Error OFF EStop OFF Safeguard OFF |
Stop | 'Q' &H51 | Stop all tasks and commands | Auto ON | |
Pause | 'P' &H50 | All tasks are paused. (*4) | Auto ON Running ON | |
Continue | 'C' &H43 | Continue paused tasks | Auto ON Paused ON | |
Reset | 'R' &H52 | Resets emergency stop and error. (*5) | Auto ON Ready ON | |
SetMotorsOn | 'M' &H4D | Robot number (1 Byte) | Turn ON the robot motor (*6)(*7) | Auto ON Ready ON EStop OFF Safeguard OFF |
SetMotorsOff | 'N' &H4E | Robot number (1 Byte) | Turn OFF the robot motor (*7) | Auto ON Ready ON |
SetCurRobot | 'Y' &H59 | Robot number (1 Byte) | Select the robot | Auto ON Ready ON |
GetCurRobot | 'y' &H79 | Acquire the current robot number | Available any time (*2) | |
Home | 'H' &H48 | Robot number (1 Byte) | Move the arm to home position defined by user | Auto ON Ready ON Error OFF EStop OFF Safeguard OFF |
GetIO | 'i' &H69 | I/O bit No (2 Byte) | Acquire the specified I/O bit Example) Acquire the I/O bit 1 &H02&H69&H0001&H03&H6B | Available any time (*2) |
SetIO | 'I' &H49 | [I/O bit No.] (2Byte) [value] (1Byte) | Set the I/O specified bit &H01: Turn ON the bit &H00: Turn OFF the bit Example) Turn ON the I/O bit 1 &H02&H49&H0001&H01&H03&H4A | Auto ON Ready ON |
GetIOByte | 'b' &H62 | I/O port No. (1 Byte) | Acquire the specified I/O port (8 bit) (*8) Example) Acquire the I/O port 1 &H02&H62&H01&H03&H60 | Available any time (*2) |
SetIOByte | 'B' &H42 | [I/O port No.] (1Byte) [value] (1Byte) | Set the I/O specified port (8 bit) (*8) Example) Set &H0F to the I/O port 1 &H02&H42&H01&H0F&H03&H4F | Auto ON Ready ON |
GetIOWord | 'w' &H77 | I/O Word Port number (1 Byte) | Acquire the specified I/O word port (16 bit) (*8) Example) Acquire the I/O word port 1 &H02&H77&H01&H03&H75 | Available any time (*2) |
SetIOWord | 'W' &H57 | [I/O Word Port number] (1Byte) [value] (2 Byte) | Set the I/O specified word port (16 bit) (*8) Example) Set &H010F to the I/O word port 1 &H02&H57&H01&H010F&H03&H5B | Auto ON Ready ON |
GetMemIO | 'o' &H6F | Memory I/O bit No. (2 Byte) | Acquire the specified memory I/O bit (*8) Example) Acquire memory I/O bit 1 &H02&H6F&H0001&H03&H6D | Available any time (*2) |
SetMemIO | 'O' &H4F | [Memory I/O bit No.] (2Byte) [value] (1 Byte) | Set the I/O specified bit (*8) &H01: Turn ON the bit &H00: Turn OFF the bit Example) Turn ON the memory I/O bit 1 &H02&H4F&H0001&H01&H03&H4C | Auto ON Ready ON |
GetMemIOByte | 't' &H74 | Memory I/O Port number (1 Byte) | Acquire the specified memory I/O port (8 bit) (*8) Example) Acquire the memory I/O port 1 &H02&H74&H01&H03&H76 | Available any time (*2) |
SetMemIOByte | 'T' &H54 | [Memory I/O port number] (1Byte) [value] (1 Byte) | Set the I/O specified port (8 bit) (*8) Example) Set &H0F to the memory I/O port 1 &H02&H54&H01&H0F&H03&H59 | Auto ON Ready ON |
GetMemIOWord | 'u' &H75 | Memory I/O word port (1Byte) | Acquire the specified memory I/O word port (16 bit) (*8) Example) Acquire the memory I/O word port 1 &H02&H75&H01&H03&H77 | Available any time (*2) |
SetMemIOWord | 'U' &H55 | [Memory I/O word port No. (1Byte) [value] (1Byte) | Set the I/O specified word port (16 bit) (*8) Example) Set &H010F to the memory I/O word port 1 &H02&H55&H01&H010F&H03&H59 | Auto ON Ready ON |
GetVariable | 'v' &H76 | [Parameter name],(&H2C) [type] (1 Byte) | Acquire the value of backup (Global Preserve) parameter (*8) Example) Acquire the Global Integer g_Status &H02&H76&H67&H5F&H53&H74&H61&H74&H75 &H73&H2C&H03&H03&H56 | Available any time (*2) |
[Parameter name],(&H2C) (Array element) (&H2C) [Parameter type] (1 Byte), (&H2C) [Number to acquire] (2 Byte) | Acquire the value of backup (Global Preserve) array parameter (*9) Example) Acquire all of Global Integer g_intArray(10) &H02&H76&H67&H5F&H69&H6E&H74&H41&H72 &H72&H61&H79&H2C &H0000&H2C&H03&H2C&H000A&H03&H42 Example) Acquire 10 elements from elements (3,5,0) of Global Integer g_int3Array(10,10,10) &H02&H76&H67&H5F&H69&H6E&H74&H33&H41 &H72&H72&H61&H79&H2C&H0003&H2C&H0005 &H2C&H0000&H2C&H03&H2C&H000A&H03&H77 | |||
SetVariable | 'V' &H56 | [Parameter name], (&H2C) [value] (type size) (&H2C), [type] (1 Byte) | Set the value in the backup (Global Preserve) parameter (*8) (Example) Set 0 (&H0000) to Global Integer g_Status &H02&H56&H67&H5F&H53&H74&H61&H74&H75 &H73&H2C&H0000&H2C&H03&H03&H5A | Auto ON Ready ON |
GetStatus | 'S' &H53 | Acquire the Controller state | Available any time (*2) | |
Execute | 'X' &H58 | Command Working with strings | Execute the command (*10) (*11) Example) Execute 'print here' &H02&H58&H22&H70&H72&H69&H6E&H74&H20 &H68&H65&H72&H65&H22&H03&H10 | Auto ON Ready ON Error OFF EStop OFF Safeguard OFF |
Abort | 'A' &H41 | Abort the command execution (*10) | Auto ON | |
GetAlm | 'z' &H7A | Acquire the alarm state | Available any time (*2) | |
ResetAlm | 'Z' &H5A | Alarm number (1 Byte) | Reset the alarm of the specified alarm number e.g.) When resetting the Alarm 5 &H02&H5A&H05&H03&H5C | Auto ON Ready ON |
*1: The Controller state bit from GetStatus.
*2: "Available any time" is applicable if the following conditions are met.
- When "Remote Ethernet" is set as the control device, or,
- "Remote Ethernet" is not set as the control device, but set to be used for monitoring.
*3: Execute the function specified in the Main[Function No.].
Function Name | Function No. |
Main | 0 |
Main1 | 1 |
Main2 | 2 |
Main3 | 3 |
Main4 | 4 |
Main5 | 5 |
Main6 | 6 |
Main7 | 7 |
⋮ | ⋮ |
Main63 | 63 |
*4: Pause command is not available for "NoPause task" and "NoEmgAbort task".
For details, refer to Help or the following manual:
"SPEL+ Language Reference- Pause""
*5: I/O output will be turned off and the robot parameter will be initialized.
For details, refer to Help or the following manual:
"SPEL+ Language Reference- Reset""
*6: The robot parameter will be initialized.
For details, refer to Help or the following manual:
""SPEL+ Language Reference- Motor""
*7: When "0" is specified for the manipulator number, all the manipulator will be operated
If you wish to operate particular manipulator, specify the manipulator number (1 to 16) of the target manipulators.
*8: Parameter type
Parameter type | Type value(1Byte) |
Boolean | &H00 |
Byte | &H01 |
Double | &H02 |
Integer | &H03 |
Long | &H04 |
Real | &H05 |
String | &H06 |
UByte | &H07 |
Short | &H08 |
UShort | &H09 |
Int32 | &H0A |
UInt32 | &H0B |
Int64 | &H0C |
UInt64 | &H0D |
For the backup parameters when the parameter name and type are same.
*9: For the array element, specify an element you acquire as the following:
You need to specify an element when acquiring from the head of the array.
Specify the array element in 2Byte value.
1D array | Parameter name&H2C&H0000 | Acquire from the head. |
Parameter name, element number. | Acquire from the specified element number. | |
2D array | Parameter name &H2C&H0000&H2C&H0000 | Acquire from the head. |
Parameter name, element number 1, element number 2 | Acquire from the specified element number. | |
3D array | Parameter name &H2C&H0000&H2C&H0000&H2C&H0000 | Acquire from the head. |
Parameter name, element number 1, element number 2, element number 3 | Acquire from the specified element number. |
You cannot specify a string for the parameter type.
Available number to acquire is up to 100.
If you specify a number over the number of array elements, you have an error.
*10: Specify the command and parameters in double quotation marks (" ").
Command strings to be executed are restricted to 256 bytes, and execution result strings are restricted to 4060 bytes.
Robot motion command will be executed to the selected manipulator. Check which robot is selected by using GetCurRobot before command execution.
Following commands are available while Execute is running.
Commands available while Execute is running
Remote command
- Abort
- GetStatus
- SetIO
- SetIOByte
- SetIOWord
- SetMemIO
- SetMemIOByte
- SetMemIOWord
When the commands specified in (SetIO, SetIOByte, SetIOWord, SetMemIO, SetMemIOByte, SetMemIOWord) are the same and executed at the same time, the command executed later will result in error. Make sure to check the execution result by using GetStatus after the execution of Execute command and output command which ** the Execute command is being executed.
*11: To execute commands including PC function (PC file, PC RS-232C, Database access, DLL calling), be sure to execute while the Epson RC+ 8.0 is connected. If the Epson RC+ 8.0 is not connected, command execution will result in error.