How to set the user-defined output remote I/O
Add the use-defined output remote I/O
The user-defined output remote I/O are not defined as default. To use them, add the output remote I/O in the configuration dialog box and configure the output condition. The added I/O will be available in the remote output setting.
[System Configuration] - [Controller] - [Remote Control] - [User Outputs]
Click the [Add] button. The window shown below appears.
Select the items and set the condition expressions. Then click the [Apply] button.
Set the name of the signal. Default is "UseroutputX".
X = I/O number
The name specified here is displayed in the remote output setting and the I/O monitor.
Select the output type.
Select the polarity to output when the condition is met.
Active high: High Active low: Low
[On Condition]
Set the condition to start output. Setting is required for all output types.
[Off Condition]
Setting is required if the Latch output is selected.
Setting is required if the expression related to the manipulator is used for On and Off conditions.
The conditions for only one robot can be set.
This setting is not necessary if the manipulator-related condition is not used.
If unregistered robot number is specified, an initialization error occurs at the Controller restart.
Setting of remote outputs
To enable the added I/O outputs, assign the registered user definition to the target I/O.
Assignment is done by the remote output.
[System Configuration] - [Controller] - [Remote Controller] - [Outputs]
The names of the added signals appear in [Output Signal]. Select the bit to output.