Condition expressions of the SPEL language are used to specify conditions. However, they have following restrictions.
- Variables cannot be used.
- Labels cannot be used.
- Available functions are limited.
Available Functions
- A
- Abs, Acos, Agl, And, Arm, ArmDef, Asc, Asin, Atan, Atan2
- B
- BClr, BClr64, BoxDef, BSet, BSet64, BTst, BTst64
- C
- Cos, CR, CS, CT, CtrlDev, CtrlInfo, CU, CurPos, CV, CW, CX, CY, CZ
- D
- DegToRad, DispDev, Dist
- E
- ECP, ECPDef, ECPSet, ElapsedTime, Era, Errb, ErrorOn, Ert, EStopOn
- F
- Fine, Fix
- G
- GetRobotInsideBox, GetRobotInsidePlane
- H
- Hand, Hofs, HomeDef, Hour
- I
- In, InBCD, Inertia, InPos, InReal, InsideBox, InsidePlane, InW
- J
- J1Angle, J1Flag, J4Flag, J6Flag, JRange
- L
- LatchState, LimitTorque, LimZMargin, Local, LocalDef, LShift, LShift64
- M
- MCalComplete, MemIn, MemInW, MemSw, Motor
- O
- OLRate, Oport
- P
- PAgl, PauseOn, PDef, PG_Lspeed, Plane, PlaneDef, PLocal, Pls, PPls, Power, PTPBoost
- Q
- QPDecelR, QPDecelS
- R
- RadToDeg, RealAccel, RealPls, RealPos, RecoverPos, Rnd, RobotInfo, RobotType, RShift, RShift64
- S
- SafetyOn, Sgn, SF_GetParam, SF_GetParam$, SF_GetStatus, SF_LimitSPeedS, SF_LimitSpeedSEnable, SF_RealSpeedS, SF_PeakSpeedS, SF_PealSpeedSClear, Sin, Speed, SpeedFactor, SpeedR, SpeedS, Sqr, Stat, Sw, SyncRobots, SysErr
- T
- Tan, TaskDone, TaskInfo, TaskState, TCLim, TcSpeed, TeachOn, Time, TLDef, TLSet, Tool
- V
- Val
- W
- Weight
- X
- XY, XYLimDef