When the Controller receives the command correctly, the response in the following format is shown in the executing command.
Command | Format |
Remote command that acquire the value except the following commands | #[Remote command],[0] terminator |
GetCurRobot | #GetCurRobot,[Robot number] Terminator |
GetIO | #GetIO,[0 | 1] terminator *1 |
GetMemIO | #GetMemIO,[0 | 1] terminator *1 |
GetIOByte | #GetIOByte,[ Hex string (00 to FF) of Byte (8Bit)] terminator |
GetMemIOByte | #GetMemIOByte,[ Hex string (00 to FF) of Byte (8Bit)] terminator |
GetIOWord | #GetIOWord,[ Hex string (0000 to FFFF) of Word (16Bit)] terminator |
GetIOMemWord | #GetMemIOWord,[ Hex string (0000 to FFFF) of Word (16Bit)] terminator |
GetVariable | #GetVariable,[Parameter value] terminator |
GetVariable (in case of array) | #GetVariable,[Parameter value 1],[Parameter value 2],...,terminator *4 |
GetStatus | #GetStatus,[Status],[Error, Warning code] terminator Example) # GetStatus,aaaaaaaaaaa,bbbb *2 *3 |
Execute | If the value is returned as a result of command execution # Execute,"[Execution result]" terminator |
GetAlm | #GetAlm,[number of alarms],[alarm number]..terminator e.g) When no alarm is occurring # GetAlm,0 terminator e.g.) When Alarm 1 and 9 are occurring # GetAlm,2,1,9 terminator |
*1 [0 | 1] I/O bit ON: 1/ OFF: 0
*2 aaaaaaaaaaa: Status
In the example above, 11 digits "aaaaaaaaaaa" is for the following 11 flags.
Test, Teach, Auto, Warning, SError, Safeguard, Estop, Error, Paused, Running, Ready
ON: 1/ OFF: 0
If Ready and Auto are ON, it is "00100000001".
*3 bbbb part: Error / Warning code
It is indicated in 4 digits. If there is no error and warning, it is 0000.
e.g.)1: # GetStatus,0100000001,0000
The bits for Auto and Ready are ON (1).
This means that AutoMode is ON and in Ready state. You can execute the command.
e.g.)2#: GetStatus,00110000010,0517
This means the warning occurs during the operation. Take appropriate action for the warning code. (In this case, warning code is 0517)
Flag | Contents |
Test | Turn ON in the TEST mode |
Teach | Turn ON in the TEACH mode |
Auto | Turn ON in the remote input acceptance condition |
Warning | Turn ON in the warning condition Task can be executed as usual even a warning condition. However, take action for the warning as soon as possible. |
SError | Turn ON in serious error condition. When a serious error occurs, "Reset input" is not available for recovery. Reboot the controller to recover. |
Safeguard | Turn ON with safety door open |
EStop | Turn ON in the emergency condition |
Error | Turn ON in the error condition. Use "Reset input" to recover from the error condition. |
Paused | Turn ON with paused task |
Running | Turn ON with task executing Turn OFF when "Paused output" is ON |
Ready | Turn ON with the Controller completed the startup and no task executing |
*4 It returns values of specified number in the Number to acquire.
Error response
When the Controller cannot receive the remote command correctly, the error response is shown in the following format.
Format: ![Remote command],[Error code] terminator
Error code | Contents |
10 | Remote command does not begin with $ |
11 | Remote command is wrong Login is not executed |
12 | Remote command format is wrong |
13 | Login command password is wrong |
14 | Specified number to acquire is out of range (1 or more and 100 or less) Number to acquire is omitted Specified a string parameter |
15 | Parameter is not existed Dimension of parameter is wrong Element out of range is called |
19 | Request time out |
20 | Controller is not ready |
21 | Cannot execute since the Execute is running |
98 | Password is required for Login when using the global IP address. |
99 | System error Communication error |