FC (Force Control) Object
This object (collectively) is used to fix the movement properties when executing the force control function.
FC0 to FC999
CoordinateSystem | Sets or returns the force coordinates. |
Fx_Enabled, Fy_Enabled, Fz_Enabled | Independently activates/inactivates, or returns the force control function of the translational direction. |
Tx_Enabled, Ty_Enabled, Tz_Enabled | Independently activates/inactivates, or returns the force control function of the rotational direction. |
Enabled | Activates/inactivates, or returns the force control function for each axis collectively. |
Fx_Mass | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of inertia for the force control on the X axis in the direction of the translational force. |
Fx_Damper | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of viscosity for the force control on the X axis in the direction of the translational force. |
Fx_Spring | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of elasticity for the force control on the X axis in the direction of the translational force. |
Fx, Fy, Fz, Tx, Ty, Tz | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of elasticity, the virtual coefficient of viscosity, and the virtual coefficient of inertia for the force control on the specified axis of the force coordinates. |
Fy_Mass | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of inertia for the force control on the Y axis in the direction of the translational force. |
Fy_Damper | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of viscosity for the force control on the Y axis in the direction of the translational force. |
Fy_Spring | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of elasticity for the force control on the Y axis in the direction of the translational force. |
Fz_Mass | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of inertia for the force control on the Z axis in the direction of the translational force. |
Fz_Damper | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of viscosity for the force control on the Z axis in the direction of the translational force. |
Fz_Spring | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of elasticity for the force control on the Z axis in the direction of the translational force. |
Tx_Mass | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of inertia for the force control in the rotational direction around the X axis. |
Tx_Damper | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of viscosity for the force control in the rotational direction around the X axis. |
Tx_Spring | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of elasticity for the force control in the rotational direction around the X axis. |
Ty_Mass | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of inertia for the force control in the rotational direction around the Y axis. |
Ty_Damper | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of viscosity for the force control in the rotational direction around the Y axis. |
Ty_Spring | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of elasticity for the force control in the rotational direction around the Y axis. |
Tz_Mass | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of inertia for the force control in the rotational direction around the Z axis. |
Tz_Damper | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of viscosity for the force control in the rotational direction around the Z axis. |
Tz_Spring | Sets or returns the virtual coefficient of elasticity for the force control in the rotational direction around the Z axis. |
TargetForcePriorityMode | Activates/inactivates or returns the target force priority mode. |
Fx_TargetForce | Sets or returns the target force on the X axis in the direction of the translational force. |
Fy_TargetForce | Sets or returns the target force on the Y axis in the direction of the translational force. |
Fz_TargetForce | Sets or returns the target force on the Z axis in the direction of the translational force. |
Tx_TargetForce | Sets or returns the target torque in the rotational direction around the X axis. |
Ty_TargetForce | Sets or returns the target torque in the rotational direction around the Y axis. |
Tz_TargetForce | Sets or returns the target torque in the rotational direction around the Z axis. |
TargetForces | Simultaneously sets or returns the target force and target torque for each of the six axes. |
MotionLimited | Returns the velocity and acceleration limits during force control. |
LimitSpeedS | Sets or returns the maximum velocity limit for tool position change during force control. |
LimitSpeedR | Sets or returns the maximum velocity limit for tool orientation change during force control. |
LimitSpeedJ | Sets or returns the maximum velocity limit for joint movement during force control. |
LimitSpeedSRJ | Sets or returns the maximum velocity limit for tool position change, tool orientation change, and joint movement during force control. |
LimitAccelS | Sets or returns the maximum acceleration limit for tool position change during force control. |
LimitAccelR | Sets or returns the maximum acceleration limit for tool orientation change during force control. |
LimitAccelJ | Sets or returns the maximum acceleration limit for joint movement during force control. |
LimitAccelSRJ | This sets or returns the maximum values of acceleration for joint acceleration, tool position modification, and tool orientation modification during force control. |