FMR (Force Motion Restriction) Object
Force motion restriction is an object (collectively) used for changing the movement path based on the position of the robot, and for use with conditional branches.
FMR0 to FMR63
ForceSensor | Sets or returns the number of the force sensor in question. |
HoldTimeThresh | Sets or returns the duration to determine that trigger conditions have been achieved. |
CoordinateSystem | Sets or returns the force coordinates. |
Operator | Sets or returns the trigger conditions when multiple triggers are set. |
RobotLocal | Sets or returns the local coordinate system that will serve as the basis for robot positions. |
RobotTool | Sets or returns the tool coordinate system that will serve as the basis for robot positions. |
TriggerMode | Sets or returns the object of the force motion restriction monitor. |
DatumPoint | Sets or returns the reference point when TriggerMode is set to FG_REL_POINT. |
PosX_Enabled | Sets or returns the enable/disable switch for the force motion restriction function for the position on the X axis. |
PosY_Enabled | Sets or returns the enable/disable switch for the force motion restriction function for the position on the Y axis. |
PosZ_Enabled | Sets or returns the enable/disable switch for the force motion restriction function for the position on the Z axis. |
PosEnabled | Collectively sets or returns the enable/disable switch for the force motion restriction function for the position on each axis. |
Dist_Enabled | Sets or returns the enable/disable switch for the force motion restriction function for the distance of the specified axis. |
Rot_Enabled | Sets or returns the enable/disable switch for the force motion restriction function for the rotation angle of the specified axis. |
J1_Enabled | Sets or returns the enable/disable switch for the force motion restriction function for the J1 joint position. |
J2_Enabled | Sets or returns the enable/disable switch for the force motion restriction function for the J2 joint position. |
J3_Enabled | Sets or returns the enable/disable switch for the force motion restriction function for the J3 joint position. |
J4_Enabled | Sets or returns the enable/disable switch for the force motion restriction function for the J4 joint position. |
J5_Enabled | Sets or returns the enable/disable switch for the force motion restriction function for the J5 joint position. |
J6_Enabled | Sets or returns the enable/disable switch for the force motion restriction function for the J6 joint position. |
JointEnabled | Collectively sets or returns the enable/disable switch for the force motion restriction function for each joint position. |
Dist_Axes | Sets or returns the target axis for finding the force motion restriction range in relation to distance. |
Rot_Axes | Sets or returns the target axis for finding the force motion restriction range in relation to rotation angle. |
PosX_Polarity | Sets or returns whether to activate force motion restriction when the X axis position falls within, or outside the threshold range. |
PosY_Polarity | Sets or returns whether to activate force motion restriction when the Y axis position falls within, or outside the threshold range. |
PosZ_Polarity | Sets or returns whether to activate force motion restriction when the Z axis position falls within, or outside the threshold range. |
PosPolarities | Collectively sets or returns whether to activate force motion restriction when the positions on each axis fall within, or outside the threshold range. |
Dist_Polarity | Sets or returns whether to activate force motion restriction when the robot position falls within, or outside the threshold range for distance. |
Rot_Polarity | Sets or returns whether to activate force motion restriction when the robot position falls within, or outside the threshold range for the rotation angle. |
J1_Polarity | Sets or returns whether to activate force motion restriction when the J1 joint position falls within, or outside the threshold range. |
J2_Polarity | Sets or returns whether to activate force motion restriction when the J2 joint position falls within, or outside the threshold range. |
J3_Polarity | Sets or returns whether to activate force motion restriction when the J3 joint position falls within, or outside the threshold range. |
J4_Polarity | Sets or returns whether to activate force motion restriction when the J4 joint position falls within, or outside the threshold range. |
J5_Polarity | Sets or returns whether to activate force motion restriction when the J5 joint position falls within, or outside the threshold range. |
J6_Polarity | Sets or returns whether to activate force motion restriction when the J6 joint position falls within, or outside the threshold range. |
JointPolarities | Collectively sets or returns whether to activate force motion restriction when the positions on each joint fall within, or outside the threshold range. |
PosX_Levels | Sets or returns the lower and upper threshold limits for the position in the direction of the X axis. |
PosY_Levels | Sets or returns the lower and upper threshold limits for the position in the direction of the Y axis. |
PosZ_Levels | Sets or returns the lower and upper threshold limits for the position in the direction of the Z axis. |
PosUpperLevels | Collectively sets or returns the upper threshold limit for the positions in the direction of each axis. |
PosLowerLevels | Collectively sets or returns the lower threshold limit for the positions in the direction of each axis. |
Dist_Levels | Sets or returns the lower and upper threshold limits for robot travel distance. |
Rot_Levels | Sets or returns the lower and upper threshold limits for the angle of movement of the robot. |
J1_Levels | Sets or returns the lower and upper threshold limits for the J1 joint position. |
J2_Levels | Sets or returns the lower and upper threshold limits for the J2 joint position. |
J3_Levels | Sets or returns the lower and upper threshold limits for the J3 joint position. |
J4_Levels | Sets or returns the lower and upper threshold limits for the J4 joint position. |
J5_Levels | Sets or returns the lower and upper threshold limits for the J5 joint position. |
J6_Levels | Sets or returns the lower and upper threshold limits for the J6 joint position. |
JointUpperLevels | Collectively sets or returns the upper threshold limit for each joint position. |
JointLowerLevels | Collectively sets or returns the lower threshold limit for each joint position. |
Triggered | Returns the status of the force motion restriction. |
TriggeredAxes | Returns the achievement status for force motion restriction by axis when the object monitored is in position. |
TriggeredJoints | Returns the achievement status for force motion restriction by axis when the object monitored is in the joint position. |
TriggeredPos | Returns position when end conditions of force motion restriction are achieved. |
TriggeredForces | Returns force and torque when end conditions of force motion restriction are achieved. |