FT (Force Trigger) Object

This object (collectively) is used for changing the movement path based on the value from the force sensor, and for use with conditional branches.

FT0 to FT999

ForceSensor Sets or returns the number of the force sensor in question.
CoordinateSystem Sets or returns the force coordinates.
TriggerMode Sets or returns the object of the force trigger monitor.
Operator Sets or returns the trigger conditions.
TillStopMode Sets or returns the stop method when trigger conditions are met.
Fmag_Axes Sets or returns the subject axis for calculating the resultant force.
Tmag_Axes Sets or returns the subject axis for calculating the resultant torque.
Fx_Enabled, Fy_Enabled, Fz_Enabled Independently activates/inactivates, or returns the force trigger of the translational direction.
Tx_Enabled, Ty_Enabled, Tz_Enabled Independently activates/inactivates, or returns the force trigger of the rotational direction.
Fmag_Enabled Activates/inactivates or returns the force trigger based on Fmag resultant force.
Tmag_Enabled Activates/inactivates or returns the force trigger based on Tmag resultant torque.
Enabled Activates/inactivates, or returns the force trigger for each axis collectively.
Fx_Polarity Sets or returns for Fx whether the force trigger is activated or inactivated when values correspond to or do not correspond with threshold values.
Fy_Polarity Sets or returns for Fy whether the force trigger is activated or inactivated when values correspond to or do not correspond with threshold values.
Fz_Polarity Sets or returns for Fz whether the force trigger is activated or inactivated when values correspond to or do not correspond with threshold values.
Tx_Polarity Sets or returns for Tx whether the force trigger is activated or inactivated when values correspond to or do not correspond with threshold values.
Ty_Polarity Sets or returns for Ty whether the force trigger is activated or inactivated when values correspond to or do not correspond with threshold values.
Tz_Polarity Sets or returns for Tz whether the force trigger is activated or inactivated when values correspond to or do not correspond with threshold values.
Fmag_Polarity Sets or returns for resultant force whether the force trigger is activated or inactivated when values correspond to or do not correspond with threshold values.
Tmag_Polarity Sets or returns for resultant torque whether the force trigger is activated or inactivated when values correspond to or do not correspond with threshold values.
Polarities Sets or returns for each axis whether the force trigger is activated or inactivated when values correspond to or do not correspond with threshold values.
Fx_Levels Sets or returns the upper and lower threshold values for Fx force.
Fy_Levels Sets or returns the upper and lower threshold values for Fy force.
Fz_Levels Sets or returns the upper and lower threshold values for Fz force.
Tx_Levels Sets or returns the upper and lower threshold values for Tx torque.
Ty_Levels Sets or returns the upper and lower threshold values for Ty torque.
Tz_Levels Sets or returns the upper and lower threshold values for Tz torque.
Fmag_Levels Sets or returns the upper and lower threshold values for resultant force.
Tmag_Levels Sets or returns the upper and lower threshold values for resultant torque.
UpperLevels Sets or returns the upper threshold values for force and torque for each axis simultaneously.
LowerLevels Sets or returns the lower threshold values for force and torque for each axis simultaneously.
Fx_LPF_Enabled Activates/inactivates or returns the low-pass filter applied to the force in the X axis in the direction of translation.
Fy_LPF_Enabled Activates/inactivates or returns the low-pass filter applied to the force in the Y axis in the direction of translation.
Fz_LPF_Enabled Activates/inactivates or returns the low-pass filter applied to the force in the Z axis in the direction of translation.
Tx_LPF_Enabled Activates/inactivates or returns the low-pass filter applied to the torque around the X axis.
Ty_LPF_Enabled Activates/inactivates or returns the low-pass filter applied to the torque around the Y axis.
Tz_LPF_Enabled Activates/inactivates or returns the low-pass filter applied to the torque around the Z axis.
Fmag_LPF_Enabled Activates/inactivates or returns the resultant force low-pass filter.
Tmag_LPF_Enabled Activates/inactivates or returns the resultant torque low-pass filter.
LPF_Enabled Activates/inactivates or returns the low-pass filters applied to each axis simultaneously.
Fx_LPF_TimeConstant Sets or returns the time constant for the low-pass filter applied to the force in the X axis in the direction of translation.
Fy_LPF_TimeConstant Sets or returns the time constant for the low-pass filter applied to the force in the Y axis in the direction of translation.
Fz_LPF_TimeConstant Sets or returns the time constant for the low-pass filter applied to the force in the Z axis in the direction of translation.
Tx_LPF_TimeConstant Sets or returns the time constant for the low-pass filter applied to the torque around the X axis.
Ty_LPF_TimeConstant Sets or returns the time constant for the low-pass filter applied to the torque around the Y axis.
Tz_LPF_TimeConstant Sets or returns the time constant for the low-pass filter applied to the torque around the Z axis.
Fmag_LPF_TimeConstant Sets or returns the time constant for the low-pass filter applied to the resultant force.
Tmag_LPF_TimeConstant This sets or returns the value of the time constant for the low-pass filter applied to resultant torque.
LPF_TimeConstants Sets or returns the time constant for the low-pass filter applied to each axis simultaneously.
Triggered Returns the status/condition of the force trigger.
TriggeredAxes Returns the forced/not forced status of force triggers by axis.
TriggeredPos Returns the met position for the force trigger conditions.
TriggeredForces Returns force and torque when end conditions of force trigger are achieved.