FGGet Statement

Acquires a result of a force guide sequence or force guide object.

FGGet Sequence.Result, Var
FGGet Sequence.Object.Result, Var

  • Sequence
    Force guide sequence name

  • Object
    Force guide object name
    Omitted when a result of a force guide sequence is acquired.

  • Result
    Name of result to acquire a value

  • Var
    The variable that shows a returned value and format differ according to the result.

Detailed Explanation
Acquires a specified result.
If a result other than EndStatus is specified while the target force guide sequence or force guide object has not been executed by FGRun, an error will occur.

Usage Example
The following is an example of a simple program that acquires a result with FGGet.

Function FGGetTest
  Integer iResult

  Motor On

  FGRun Sequence1                     ' Execution of a force guide sequence
  FGGet Sequence1.EndStatus, iResult  ' Acquisition of results
  Print iResult


See Also