FCKeep Statement
Activates the force control function, and when the specified amount of time has elapsed, a stop is executed.
FCKeep FC# [CF] [Till | Find] [SYNC], rValue
Specifies the force control object.rValue
Real number or formula
Detailed Explanation
This does not execute a motion command, but is used when wanting to activate the force control function over a fixed period of time. When wanting to perform push-work using a fixed force over a fixed period of time, after moving the tool using position control to a point just prior to contact, specify the Force Control Object having had the target force set therein, and execute FCKeep.
In addition, when desiring to continue force control for a fixed period of time following the execution of a motion command, which includes force control, add a force control object and a CF parameter to the motion command and execute, then continue on with the execution of the FCKeep.
Usage Example
This example continues activation of the force control function for a period of 30 seconds in accordance to the Force Control Object FC1.
> FCKeep FC1, 30
In this example, after moving to P1 with the force control active, in accordance with the Force Control Object FC1, the force control function is maintained for a period of 10 seconds.
Function main
Move P1 FC1 CF
FCKeep FC1, 10
See Also
Till, FCEnd, FCOn function, Force Control Object FC#