Fmag_LPF_TimeConstant Property

Force Trigger Object FT#, Force Monitor Object FM#

Sets or returns the time constant for the low-pass filter applied to the resultant force.

Immediate Execution

FGet Object.Fmag_LPF_TimeConstant, rVar
FSet Object.Fmag_LPF_TimeConstant, rValue

  • Object
    Object name
    The object is specified as either of FT (numerical value), FMR (numerical value), FT (label) or FMR (label).

  • rVar
    A real number variable defining the value of the property

  • rValue
    A real number or formula defining the new value of the property.

rValue (Unit: [sec])

Minimum 0.002
Maximum 5

Default: 0.01

Detailed Explanation
This specifies the time constant for the resultant force low-pass filter.
The low-pass filter time constant is the time it takes to arrive at an input value of 1-e-1 (approximately 63.2%) when giving step input.
The signal noise reduction can be enhanced when increasing the time constant, but the following performance for quick signal changes deteriorates.
The low-pass filter is used with AvgForces Status, PeakForces Status, the Force Trigger Function, and Force Monitor, but is not used with Forces Status.

Usage Example
This example sets the low-pass filter for resultant force and acquires the force peak data.

Function GetPeakForceTest
  Real myPeakForce
  FSet FCS1.Orientation, FG_TOOL
  FSet FM1.CoordinateSystem, FCS1
  FSet FM1.Fmag_Axes, FG_XYZ
  FSet FM1.Fmag_LPF_Enabled, True
  FSet FM1.Fmag_LPF_TimeConstant, 0.02
  FSet FM1.PeakForceClear, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True
  Wait 10
  FGet FM1.Fmag_PeakForce, myPeakForce
  Print myPeakForce

See Also
Force Trigger Object FT#, Force Monitor Object FM#, Fmag_LPF_Enabled Property, LPF_TimeConstants Property