FCSMove Statement

Executes an offset linear interpolation motion in the specified force coordinate system.

FCSMove P# { FCS# | FC#} [ROT] [CF] [CP] [Till | Find] [!parallel processing!] [SYNC]

  • P#
    Specifies the target position of the motion using point data.

  • FCS#
    Specifies the force coordinate system object.

  • FC#
    Specifies the force control object.

  • CF
    Continues the force control function. Can be omitted.

  • ROT
    Gives priority to the tool orientation modification and establishes the velocity and acceleration of the motion. Can be omitted.

  • CP
    Specifies the path motion. Can be omitted.

  • Till | Find
    Describes the Till or Find formulas. Can be omitted.

Till | Find
Till Sw(formula) = { On | Off }
Find Sw(formula) = { On | Off }

  • !parallel processing!
    A parallel processing statement can be added in order to execute I/O or other commands during the motion. Can be omitted.

Detailed Explanation
This executes an offset linear interpolation motion in the specified force coordinate system.
Specify along with the target coordinates either a Force Coordinate System Object or Force Control Object.
If specifying a force coordinate system object, an offset linear interpolation motion will be executed in the specified force coordinate system.
If specifying a Force Control Object, an offset linear interpolation motion will be executed in force coordinate system specified by the Force Control Object. This motion will be executed with the force control active.
The point flag defined by the point data will be ignored, and the current point flag will be maintained. However, on vertical 6 axis robots (including N series), the point flag is automatically changed to decrease the amount of joint movement.
Each established value for SpeedS and AccelS will be used for the FCSMove velocity and acceleration. For the relationship between velocity and acceleration/deceleration, please see the Note: “Use FCSMove with CP.” However, the velocity and acceleration/deceleration when using a qualified ROT parameter will be the established value for SpeedR and AccelR, respectively. In such instances, the values for SpeedS and AccelS are ignored.
If you attempt to change only the tool orientation with the position of the robot tool tip fixed to a certain coordinate or if the tool orientation modification is large relative to the movement distance of the tool tip, the tool orientation modification speed may become significantly faster. To prevent this, a function operates to automatically limit the operation speed when the tool orientation modification speed is large.
If you want to manually set the upper limit of the tool orientation modification speed during CP motion, set SpeedRLimitation to ON. When SpeedRLimitation is set to ON, the operation speed is limited so that the tool orientation modification speed becomes SpeedR in cases where the tool orientation modification speed exceeds the set SpeedR during CP motion. If the tool orientation modification speed does not exceed the set SpeedR, the system operates at the set SpeedS. Set the upper limit of the tool orientation modification speed in advance using SpeedR.
By using a Till qualifier, the robot can be decelerated and stopped mid-motion and the FCSMove completed when the Till conditions are met.
By using a Find qualifier, the point data will be stored in FindPos when the Find conditions are met during the motion.
\By using !parallel processing!, another process can be executed parallel to the motion.

Use FCSMove with CP
When using CP parameters, the motion control within the motion command moves to the next statement at the same time as deceleration begins. This is convenient when desiring to link multiple motion commands for a continuous motion at a fixed velocity. Without using CP, FCSMove will find without fail the arm decelerating and stopping at the specified target coordinates.

Usage Example
This is an example of a movement 100 mm in the X axis direction in the force coordinate system 1.

> FCSMove XY(100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) FCS1

See Also
Force Coordinate System Object FCS#, TMove, AccelS, AccelR, SpeedS, SpeedR