F_GravityDirection Statement

Robot Object Robot

This returns the value of or sets, as a vector, the direction of gravity for the Robot Object.

F_GravityDirection x_rValue, y_rValue, z_rValue

  • x_rValue, …
    A numerical value or formula defining the new value

Detailed Explanation
This returns the value of or sets the orientation of the gravitational acceleration vector in the base coordinate system.
Set the direction of gravity only.
rValueX2 + rValueY2 + rValueZ2 = 1
The settings described above are recommended.
Should the settings of (rValueX, rValueY, rValueZ) = (0, 0, 0), the direction of gravity will not be fixed, so an error will occur.

Usage Example
This example sets the direction of gravity to (0, 0, 1), and confirms the results of the setting.

> F_GravityDirection 0, 0, 1
> F_GravityDirection
  0.000,    0.000,    1.000

See Also
Robot Object Robot