Fx_LPF_TimeConstant, Fy_LPF_TimeConstant, Fz_LPF_TimeConstant Property

Force Trigger Object FT#, Force Monitor Object FM#

This sets the time constant or returns the value thereof for the force in the specified axis in the direction of translation.

Immediate Execution

FGet Object.XX_LPF_TimeConstant, rVar
FSet Object.XX_LPF_TimeConstant, rValue

  • Object
    Object name
    The object is specified as FT (numerical value), FT (label), FM (numerical value), or FM (label).

  • XX
    A character string defining the name of the property

  • rVar
    A real number variable defining the value of the property

  • rValue
    A real number or formula defining the new value of the property.


Specified Axis Description
Fx Specifies the X axis in the direction of translation.
Fy Specifies the Y axis in the direction of translation.
Fz Specifies the Z axis in the direction of translation.

rValue (Unit: [sec])

Minimum 0.002
Maximum 5

' Default: 0.01

Detailed Explanation
This sets the time constant for the low-pass filter or returns the status thereof for the specified axis in the direction of translation for the force trigger function or force monitor function.
The low-pass filter time constant is the time it takes to arrive at an input value of 1-e-1 (approximately 63.2%) when giving step input.
The signal noise reduction can be enhanced when increasing the time constant, but the following performance for quick signal changes deteriorates.
The low-pass filter is used with AvgForces Status, PeakForces Status, the Force Trigger Function, and Force Monitor. It is not used with Forces Status.

Usage Example
This example sets the low pass filter for Fx and acquires the force peak data.

Function GetPeakForceTest
  Real myPeakForce
  FSet FCS1.Orientation, FG_TOOL
  FSet FM1.CoordinateSystem, FCS1
  FSet FM1.Fx_LPF_Enabled, True
  FSet FM1.Fx_LPF_TimeConstant, 0.02
  FSet FM1.PeakForceClear, True, True, True, True, True, True
  Wait 10
  FGet FM1.Fx_PeakForce, myPeakForce
  Print myPeakForce

See Also
Force Trigger Object FT#, Force Monitor Object FM#