FailedStatus Result

Returns the reason for failure regarding the dedicated sequence.

FGGet Sequence.EndStatus, iVar

  • Sequence
    Force guide sequence name

  • iVar
    Integer variable that shows a returned value


Name of constants Values Description
OK 0 Force guide sequence successful.
GeneralObjectFailed 1 General object failed.
ForceConditionFailed 10 Failure due to force outside the successful condition range.
ContactFailed 12 Failure due to position not reached.
PosConditionFailed 20 Failure due to position outside the successful condition range.
Overrun 21 Failure due to overrun.
Jammed 22 Failure due to position outside the successful condition range, even with the force within the successful condition range.
NoOKSignal 31 Failure due to not receiving the screw tightening complete signal from the screwdriver.

Detailed Explanation
Returns the reason for failure regarding the dedicated sequence.
The success/failure judgment conditions differ for each dedicated sequence. For more information about each condition, refer to the following manual.
"Epson RC+ 8.0 option Force Guide 8.0 Software"

  • Details on the results of the Paste sequence
  • Details on results of the screw tightening sequence
  • Details on results of HeightInspect sequence
  • Details on results of Insert sequence

This result will only return the failure reason for objects whose AbortSeqOnFail is True. Further, running this result without executing the specified sequence beforehand will result in error.

Usage Example
The following is an example of a simple program that acquires a result with FGGet.

Function FailedStatusTest
  Integer iVar

  Motor On

  FGRun Sequence1
  FGGet Sequence1.FailedStatus, iVar  ' Acquire FailedStatus
  Print iVar


See Also
FGGet, paste sequence, screw tightening sequence, height detection sequence, insert sequence