Robot Installation Position Settings for Safety Limited Position (SLP)

Set the robot installation position for using the Safety Limited Position (SLP) function. Set the following items:

  • Installation Position
  • Installation Plane Rotation


Be sure to set the Installation Position and the Installation Plane Rotation in order for the Safety Limited Position to operate properly.

No Name Function Notes
1. Installation Position Set the robot offset position [mm].
1.1 X_OFS Setting for the offset position in the X direction -
1.2 Y_OFS Setting for the offset position in the Y direction -
1.3 Z_OFS Setting for the offset position in the Z direction This can only be set for a 6-Axis robot.
No Name Function Notes
2. Installation Plane Rotation Set the robot offset angle [deg].
2.1 U_ROT Setting for the offset angle around the U axis -
2.2 V_ROT Setting for the offset angle around the V axis This can only be set for a 6-Axis robot.
2.3 W_ROT Setting for the offset angle around the W axis This can only be set for a 6-Axis robot.