Setting Soft Axis Limiting

Perform settings to use the Soft Axis Limiting function.

The setting range of Soft Axis Limiting is displayed to the right of the Soft Axis Limiting setting value. This setting range varies depending on the robot model.


The operating range set in Safety Function Manager is not linked to the setting parameters set in the "Tool Settings" section of the "Epson RC+ User's Guide". Set the operating range referring to the following.


  • The Soft Axis Limiting function is always enabled, except in TEACH mode.

  • If any axis moves out of the motion range, Safe Torque OFF (STO) is executed and the robot is stopped. For details on the status, display, and notification of the Robot Controller when stopped by the safety function, refer to the following.
    Precautions for Using the Robot Controller Safety Functions

  • The [Soft Axis Limiting] setting set in Safety Function Manager and the [Range] set in Epson RC+ can be set separately. We recommend setting [Range] to values equal to or narrower than those of [Soft Axis Limiting].

No Name Function Notes
1 Setup Method Select [Pulse] or [Joint] as the setting method for the Soft Axis Limit. -
2 Pulse Set the minimum and maximum range for each axis as Pulse value. This can only be set when Pulse is selected in No.1. When Joint is selected, the Pulse value will automatically be modified based on the Joint value that is entered.
3 Joint Set the minimum and maximum range of each axis as angle (deg) or mm. This can only be set when Joint is selected in No.1. When Pulse is selected, the Joint value will automatically be modified based on the Pulse value that is entered.
4 Range Displays the minimum and maximum range for each axis. In the Safety function manager, the range setting cannot be changed. To change the setting, refer to the following.

"Epson RC+ User's Guide - [Tools]-[Robot Manager]-[Range] Page"
5 Set to match the range setting Automatically inputs the value of the Soft Axis Limiting of all axis based on the range setting. By pressing the button, it will automatically be input. Please note that previously input values will be overwritten
6 Set to the limit value Automatically inputs the value of the Soft Axis Limiting of all axis based on the Limit value setting. By pressing the button, it will automatically be input. Please note that previously input values will be overwritten


Setting the soft-axis limit to the limit value virtually eliminates the soft-axis limit. Be careful when using it.
When entering the Pulse value, the Joint value is rounded down to the fourth decimal place, and the value is displayed with three decimal places.
When entering the Joint value, the Pulse value is displayed as an integer with the first decimal place rounded down.
The Safety board can be set with the Pulse value. Make sure to always check the input and displayed number.