Function and Variable Names (Naming restriction)

The function name can include up to 64 characters. The variable name can include up to 32 alphanumeric, Japanese, Chinese, or underscore characters. Characters can be upper case or lower case.

The following names are valid:

  • Function main
  • Real real_var
  • Integer IntVar

Function and variable names cannot begin with an underscore.

SPEL+ keywords cannot be used as function or variable names. (Example: Go, On)

String variables must have an additional dollar sign ('$') suffix. An example is shown below.

Function Test
  String modname$
  Print "Enter model name:"
  Line Input modname$
  Print "model is ", modname$

Restrictions for naming in SPEL+ language

  • Characters can be alphanumeric, Japanese, or underscore character.
  • Use alphabets for the first letter.
  • Characters can be upper case or lower case.
  • No keywords can be used.
  • Maximum limits of names are as follows. (For one –byte character)
Name Max. limit
Point label 32
I/O label 32
User error label 32
Function name 64
Variable name 32
Line label 32