
The following table shows the operators for the SPEL+ language.

Keyword or Symbol Example Description
+ A+B Addition
- A-B Subtraction
* A*B Multiplication
/ A/B Division
** A**B Exponentiation
= A=B Equal
> A>B Greater than
< A<B Less than
>= A>=B Greater than or equal
<= A<=B Less or than equal
<> A<>B Not equal
And A And B Performs logical and bitwise AND operation.
Mod A Mod B Returns the remainder obtained by dividing a numeric expression by another numeric expression.
Not Not A Performs logical or bitwise negation of the operand.
Or A Or B Performs the bitwise Or operation on the values of the operands.
Xor A Xor B Performs the bitwise Xor operation on the values of the operand.