Robot Coordinate Systems
Robot Coordinate System of SCARA Robot
Symbol | Description |
a | Origin point |
b | Center of Joint #3 |
Robot coordinate system Z axis
Robot coordinate system U axis
Robot Coordinate Systems of 6-Axis Robot
Table Top Mounting
Ceiling Mounting
Wall Mounting
In the robot coordinate system, +Z axis is defined in the opposite direction of gravity. X and Y axes are defined in horizontal plane as shown in the figures above.
The position and orientation are designated by the position data (X, Y, Z) and the orientation data (U, V, W).
Roll-Pitch-Yaw angles are used for the orientation data.
U corresponds to roll (Z-axis rotation), V corresponds to pitch (Y-axis rotation), and W corresponds to yaw (X-axis rotation).
The orientation is designated by rotating the coordinate axis of U, V, and W, in that order (movable axis expression).
Robot Coordinate System of Ceiling Mounting SCARA Robot (RS series)
a: Origin point
* Illustration is from this direction.
Robot coordinate system Z axis
a: Center of Joint #3
Robot coordinate system U axis
* Illustration is from this direction.
Robot Coordinate Systems of N Series Robot
Ceiling Mounting
Table Top Mounting
Robot Coordinate Systems for Cartesian Robot
X axis / Y axis in Robot Coordinate System of Cartesian Robot
a: Origin point
Z axis in Robot Coordinate System of Cartesian Robot
U axis in Robot Coordinate System of Cartesian Robot