Working with Robot Points

A robot point is a set of coordinates that define a position in the robot work envelope. For SCARA and Cartesian robots, a point is defined by the position data (X, Y, Z) within the reference rectangular coordinate space and the orientation data (U) which is the rotation about the Z axis of the rectangular coordinate.

For 6-axis robots, a point is defined by the position and orientation of the tool coordinate system with respect to a reference rectangular coordinate system. The point is specified by the position data (X, Y, Z) and the orientation is specified by the orientation data (U, V, W) which correspond with roll (rotation about the Z axis), pitch (rotation about the Y axis), and yaw (rotation about the X axis).

When the additional ST axis is installed, the point is specified by the position data of each additional axis (S, T).

The X, Y, and Z coordinates of a point are specified in millimeters.

The U, V, and W coordinates are specified in degrees.

The S and T coordinates of a point are specified in millimeters or degrees, according to the type of axis.

Points are referenced using the letter P followed by an integer number or integer expression or by a label defined in the point file editor or [Robot Manager]-[Jog & Teach] page.