I/O Commands

Command Description
In Reads one byte (eight bits) of input data.
InW Reads one word (sixteen bits) of input data.
MemIn Reads one byte (eight bits) of Memory I/O.
MemInW Reads one word (sixteen bits) of Memory I/O.
MemOff Turns off one Memory I/O bit.
MemOn Turns on one Memory I/O bit.
MemSw Read status of one bit of memory I/O.
Off Turns off one output bit.
On Turns on one output bit.
Out Sets/reads one byte (eight bits) of output data.
OutW Sets/reads one word (sixteen bits) of output data.
Oport Reads the status of one output bit.
InBCD Reads input data in BCD (binary coded decimal) format.
OpBCD Outputs one byte of output data in BCD format.
Sw Read status of one bit of hardware inputs or memory inputs.