Calling native functions in dynamic link libraries
Epson RC+ 8.0 allows you to call native functions in Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs).
This is used for complicated arithmetic processing and call for a native function of an external device.
To call the native DLL function, use a Declare statement which is a function definition command from the SPEL+ program and write a function call as normal.
For details, refer to the following manual.
"SPEL+ Language Reference - Declare"
Sample of calling a native DLL
By using a development tool such as Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, you can create a native DLL that can be called from SPEL+. Here, it uses Visual Studio 2019 as a sample to create a function that executes the arithmetic operator.
Step 1: Decide on variable type for a native DLL
You need to plan the data type to use for transferring with the native DLL in the Epson RC+ 8.0. Correspondence table for the Epson RC+ 8.0 data type and the C/C++ variable type is shown below. You cannot use the C/C++ byte type and structure because the Epson RC+ 8.0 has no correspond data for them.
Data correspondence
Epson RC+ 8.0 | C/C++ |
Boolean | short |
Byte | short |
Short | short |
Integer | short |
Long | int |
Real | float |
Double | double |
String | char [256] * Null included |
Step 2: Create a native DLL
Start Visual Studio 2019.
Select the "Create a new project" on the start window.
[Create a new project] dialog box will appear.
Select “Windows Desktop Wizard” from the project template list shown on the right of dialog box.
Click the [Next] button.
Start the Windows Desktop Wizard.
Type in a name for a project in the [Project name] box. (Here types in "MyCalculator".)
Click the [Create] button.
Set the project options.
Select the “Dynamic Link Library (.dll)” in the [Application type].
Check the [Export symbols] box in the [Additional options:].
Click the [OK] button.
A simple example of function “fnMyCalculator” will be created in MyCalculator.cpp. Add a function MyArithmetic which executes the arithmetic operator to this file.
MYCALCULATOR_API float MyArithmetic(short value1, short value2, char * kind ) { if ( !strcmp(kind, "add") ) { return (float)(value1 + value2); } else if ( !strcmp(kind, "sub") ) { return (float)(value1 - value2); } else if ( !strcmp(kind, "mul") ) { return (float)(value1 * value2); } else if ( !strcmp(kind, "div") ) { return (float)(value1) / (float)(value2); } else { strcat_s(kind, 10, " NG"); return 0; } }
Export a function to enable it to be called from SPEL+.
Select Visual Studio 2019 menu-[Project]-[Add New Item]. The [Add New Item] dialog box will appear.
Select the [Visual C ++]-[Code] in the tree on the left.
Select “Module-Definition File (.def)” from the project template list shown on the center of dialog box.
Type in a file name in the [Name:]. (Here types in "MyCalculator.def" as a file name.)
Click the [Add (A)] button.
Register “fnMyCalculator function” and “MyArithmetic function” to the created “MyCalculator.def” file.
LIBRARY "MyCalculator" EXPORTS fnMyCalculator MyArithmetic
Build the project and create the DLL. Select [Win32] as a solution platform for Visual Studio 2019. Then, select Visual Studio 2019 menu-[Build]-[Build MyCalculator]. DLL will be successfully created if no error occurs.
In Epson RC+ 8.0, 64 bit native DLL is not available. When using a DLL created with a version older than Visual Studio 2015, it is necessary to install the runtime corresponding to that version in advance.
Step 3: Call the DLL function from SPEL+
You can now try your DLL function from SPEL+. Before you call your function from the Epson RC+ 8.0, you must debug it and check thoroughly if it can work without errors. In case that error occurs (such as system error) in the native function, the Epson RC+ 8.0 will not work normally.
Copy the created MyCalculator.dll to the Epson RC+ 8.0 project folder (e.g.
).Define a DLL function which executes the arithmetic operator in the SPEL+ program and write a function call for MyArithmetic in Function main.
Declare MyArithmetic, "MyCalculator.dll"(value1 As Integer, value2 As Integer, ByRef calc$ As String) As Real Function main Real result; String calc$ calc$ = "add" result = MyArithmetic(1, 2, ByRef calc$); Print "1+2=", Str$(result) calc$ = "sub" result = MyArithmetic(1, 2, ByRef calc$); Print "1-2=", Str$(result) calc$ = "mul" result = MyArithmetic(1, 2, ByRef calc$); Print "1*2=", Str$(result) calc$ = "div" result = MyArithmetic(1, 2, ByRef calc$); Print "1/2=", Str$(result) Fend
Build and execute the project. The following result will be displayed.
1+2=3 1-2=-1 1*2=2 1/2=0.5
Before you build the project, be sure to copy the native DLL to the project folder without fail. If you fail, a warning or error will occur.
Please note the dependency of the DLL when using a third party DLL as a native DLL. If the dependent DLL does not exist in the project folder or the folder set in the environment variable PATH of Windows, a warning or error will occur.