Calling native functions in dynamic link libraries

Epson RC+ 8.0 allows you to call native functions in Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs).

This is used for complicated arithmetic processing and call for a native function of an external device.

To call the native DLL function, use a Declare statement which is a function definition command from the SPEL+ program and write a function call as normal.

For details, refer to the following manual.

"SPEL+ Language Reference - Declare"

Sample of calling a native DLL

By using a development tool such as Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, you can create a native DLL that can be called from SPEL+. Here, it uses Visual Studio 2019 as a sample to create a function that executes the arithmetic operator.

Step 1: Decide on variable type for a native DLL

You need to plan the data type to use for transferring with the native DLL in the Epson RC+ 8.0. Correspondence table for the Epson RC+ 8.0 data type and the C/C++ variable type is shown below. You cannot use the C/C++ byte type and structure because the Epson RC+ 8.0 has no correspond data for them.

Data correspondence

Epson RC+ 8.0 C/C++
Boolean short
Byte short
Short short
Integer short
Long int
Real float
Double double
String char [256] * Null included

Step 2: Create a native DLL

  1. Start Visual Studio 2019.

    Select the "Create a new project" on the start window.

  2. [Create a new project] dialog box will appear.

    1. Select “Windows Desktop Wizard” from the project template list shown on the right of dialog box.

    2. Click the [Next] button.

  3. Start the Windows Desktop Wizard.

    1. Type in a name for a project in the [Project name] box. (Here types in "MyCalculator".)

    2. Click the [Create] button.

  4. Set the project options.

    1. Select the “Dynamic Link Library (.dll)” in the [Application type].

    2. Check the [Export symbols] box in the [Additional options:].

    3. Click the [OK] button.

  5. A simple example of function “fnMyCalculator” will be created in MyCalculator.cpp. Add a function MyArithmetic which executes the arithmetic operator to this file.

    MYCALCULATOR_API float MyArithmetic(short value1, short value2, char * kind )
      if ( !strcmp(kind, "add") )
        return (float)(value1 + value2);
      else if ( !strcmp(kind, "sub") )
        return (float)(value1 - value2);
      else if ( !strcmp(kind, "mul") )
        return (float)(value1 * value2);
      else if ( !strcmp(kind, "div") )
        return (float)(value1) / (float)(value2);
        strcat_s(kind, 10, " NG");
        return 0;
  6. Export a function to enable it to be called from SPEL+.

    1. Select Visual Studio 2019 menu-[Project]-[Add New Item]. The [Add New Item] dialog box will appear.

    2. Select the [Visual C ++]-[Code] in the tree on the left.

    3. Select “Module-Definition File (.def)” from the project template list shown on the center of dialog box.

    4. Type in a file name in the [Name:]. (Here types in "MyCalculator.def" as a file name.)

    5. Click the [Add (A)] button.

    6. Register “fnMyCalculator function” and “MyArithmetic function” to the created “MyCalculator.def” file.

      LIBRARY "MyCalculator"
  7. Build the project and create the DLL. Select [Win32] as a solution platform for Visual Studio 2019. Then, select Visual Studio 2019 menu-[Build]-[Build MyCalculator]. DLL will be successfully created if no error occurs.


In Epson RC+ 8.0, 64 bit native DLL is not available. When using a DLL created with a version older than Visual Studio 2015, it is necessary to install the runtime corresponding to that version in advance.

Step 3: Call the DLL function from SPEL+


You can now try your DLL function from SPEL+. Before you call your function from the Epson RC+ 8.0, you must debug it and check thoroughly if it can work without errors. In case that error occurs (such as system error) in the native function, the Epson RC+ 8.0 will not work normally.

  1. Copy the created MyCalculator.dll to the Epson RC+ 8.0 project folder (e.g. C:\EpsonRC80\projects\dllcall).

  2. Define a DLL function which executes the arithmetic operator in the SPEL+ program and write a function call for MyArithmetic in Function main.

    Declare MyArithmetic, "MyCalculator.dll"(value1 As Integer, value2 As Integer, ByRef calc$ As String) As Real
    Function main
      Real result;
      String calc$
      calc$ = "add"
      result = MyArithmetic(1, 2, ByRef calc$);
      Print "1+2=", Str$(result)
      calc$ = "sub"
      result = MyArithmetic(1, 2, ByRef calc$);
      Print "1-2=", Str$(result)
      calc$ = "mul"
      result = MyArithmetic(1, 2, ByRef calc$);
      Print "1*2=", Str$(result)
      calc$ = "div"
      result = MyArithmetic(1, 2, ByRef calc$);
      Print "1/2=", Str$(result)
  3. Build and execute the project. The following result will be displayed.



Before you build the project, be sure to copy the native DLL to the project folder without fail. If you fail, a warning or error will occur.

Please note the dependency of the DLL when using a third party DLL as a native DLL. If the dependent DLL does not exist in the project folder or the folder set in the environment variable PATH of Windows, a warning or error will occur.