NoPause/NoEmgAbort task specification

Status by Event and Task

Event Task Type
Normal NoPause NoEmgAbort
Pause Statement, Pause Input, Pause Button Pause Continue *1 Continue
Safety Door Open Pause *2 Continue *1 *2 Continue
Error during Auto Mode Stop Stop Continue
Error during Program Mode Pause Pause Continue
Emergency Stop Stop Stop Continue
Stop Button, Stop Input Stop Stop Stop
Halt Statement, Halt Button Pause Pause Pause
Brake Point Pause Pause Pause
Switching to Teach Mode Stop Stop Stop

*1 When the robot is operating, the task pauses as the robot pauses.

*2 When [Outputs off during Emergency Stop] is checked in the [Preferences] page of [Setup]-[System Configuration]-[Controller], normal tasks and NoPause tasks stop when the Safety Door is opened.

Task Execution

  • Normal: Omit the task type in Xqt statement, or specify Normal for the task type.

    Xqt NormalTask
    Xqt NormalTask, Normal
  • NoPause: Specify NoPause in Xqt statement.

    Xqt NoPauseTask, NoPause
  • NoEmgAbort: Specify NoEmgAbort in Xqt statement.

    Xqt NoEmgAbortTask, NoEmgAbort

You cannot change the task type after executing a task.

main to main63 that are executed at the beginning of the program are executed as normal tasks.

Type of a task executed in Trap Xqt is determined by the event type.

For details, refer to Help or the following manual:

"SPEL+ Language Reference - Trap"

Restricted Commands by Task Types

  • Normal: No restriction

  • NoPause: No restriction

  • NoEmgAbort: Cannot execute the following commands.

    • Command for robot motion
    • Commands for vision
    • Reset, Xqt, Trap, etc.

    For details, refer to Help or the following manual:

    "SPEL+ Language Reference - Xqt"