For RC90, RC700 :T, VT series:

Name Default Description Input acceptance condition (*1)
Start 0 Executes function selected at SelProg. (*2) (*13)

Ready output ON

Error output OFF

EStopOn output OFF

SafeguardOn output OFF

EStopOff output ON

Pause input OFF

Stop input OFF

SelProg1 1 Specifies the executing Main function number. (*2)
SelProg2 2
SelProg4 3
SelProg8 Not set
SelProg16 Not set
SelProg32 Not set
Stop 4 All tasks and commands are stopped.
Pause 5 All tasks are paused. (*3) Running output ON
Continue 6 Continues the paused task.

Paused output ON

Pause input OFF

Stop input OFF

Reset 7 Resets emergency stop and error. (*4) Ready output ON
Shutdown Not set Terminates the system
ForcePowerLow Not set

Operates as the forced low power function.

The robot is operated in the low power mode.

Power High control from the command is not accepted.

Executes the following according to the controller preferences.

Stops or temporarily stops all the tasks and commands. (*12)

Any time

This input is acceptable even AutoMode output is OFF.

SelRobot Not set Changes the output condition of MotorsOn, AtHome, PowerHigh, and MCalReqd. (*9)






Not set Specify the number of robot which executes a command. (*5)
SetMotorsOn Not set Turn ON robot motors. (*5) (*6)

Ready output ON

EStopOn output OFF

SafeguardOn output OFF

EStopOff output ON

SetMotorsOff input OFF

SetMotorsOff Not set Turn OFF robot motors. (*5) Ready output ON
SetPowerHigh Not set Set the robot power mode to High (*5)

Ready output ON

EStopOn output OFF

SafeguardOn output OFF

EStopOff output ON

SetPowerLow input OFF

SetPowerLow Not set Set the robot power mode to Low. (*5) Ready output ON
Home Not set Move the Robot Arm to the home position defined by the user.

Ready output ON

Error output OFF

EStopOn output OFF

SafeguardOn output OFF

EStopOff output ON

MotorsOn output ON

Pause input OFF

Stop input OFF

MCal Not set Execute MCal (*5) (*7)

Ready output ON

Error output OFF

EStopOn output OFF

SafeguardOn output OFF

EStopOff output ON

MotorsOn output ON

Pause input OFF

Stop input OFF

Recover Not set After the safeguard is closed, recover to the position where the safeguard was open.(*8)

Paused output ON

Error output OFF

EStopOn output OFF

SafeguardOn output OFF

EStopOff output ON

RecoverReqd output ON

Pause input OFF

Stop input OFF

ExtCmdSet Not set

Commands for an extended remote IO.

For details, refer to the following manual.

"Remote Control Reference-. Remote I/O to Be Used"

ExtRespGet Not set
ExtCmdReset Not set
ResetAlarm Not set Cancel the alarm (*11)(*14)





Not set Specify the alarm number to cancel (*10)(*14)
ALIVE Not set

Input signal for alive monitoring of the controller.

Same signal as the input will be output to ALIVE output. The master equipment can perform alive monitoring of the controller by switching the input periodically and checking the output signal.

ExtCmd_0-15 Not set

Commands for an extended remote IO.

For details, refer to the following manual.

"Remote Control Reference-. Remote I/O to Be Used"

ExtCmd_16-31 Not set
ExtCmd_32-47 Not set
ExtCmd_48-63 Not set
ExtCmd_64-79 Not set
ExtCmd_80-95 Not set
ExtCmd_96-111 Not set
ExtCmd_112-127 Not set

*1: "AutoMode output" ON is omitted from the table. This is an input acceptance condition for all functions.

*2: "Start input" executes Function specified by the following six bits: SelProg 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32.

Function Name SelProg1 SelProg2 SelProg4 SelProg8 SelProg16 SelProg32
Main 0 0 0 0 0 0
Main1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Main2 0 1 0 0 0 0
Main3 1 1 0 0 0 0
Main60 0 0 1 1 1 1
Main61 1 0 1 1 1 1
Main62 0 1 1 1 1 1
Main63 1 1 1 1 1 1

0=OFF, 1=ON

*3: "NoPause task" and "NoEmgAbort task" do not pause. For details, refer to Help or the following manual:

"SPEL+ Language Reference- Pause""

*4: Turns OFF the I/O output and initializes the robot parameter. For details, refer to Help or the following manual:

"SPEL+ Language Reference- Reset""

*5: The values specified by "SelRobot1, 2, 4, 8, and 16" correspond to the robot numbers, when multiple robots are connected to the controller.

Robot number SelRobot1 SelRobot2 SelRobot4 SelRobot8 SelRobot16
0(All) 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0 0
3 1 1 0 0 0
13 1 0 1 1 0
14 0 1 1 1 0
15 1 1 1 1 0
16 0 0 0 0 1

0=OFF, 1=ON

*6: The robot parameter will be initialized.

For details, refer to Help or the following manual:

"SPEL+ Language Reference- Motor"

*7: For details, refer to Help or the following manual:

"SPEL+ Language Reference- MCal"

*8: This is for experienced users only. Make sure that you fully understand the input specification before using.

CmdRunning output and CmdError output will not change for this input.

"NoEmgAbort task" will not stop by this input.

When the input changes from ON to OFF, all tasks and commands will stop.

*9: This function changes the output condition of MotorsOn, AtHome, PowerHigh, and MCalReqd.

By setting this signal with the condition selected using SelRobot1 - SelRobot16, you can switch the output condition.

Once you select the condition, it will be kept until you change it or turn off / restart the Controller. All manipulators are selected as default.

*10: The values specified by "SelAlarm1, 2, 4, and 8" correspond to the alarm numbers.

Alarm number Target SelAlarm1 SelAlarm2 SelAlarm4 SelAlarm8
1 Controller battery 1 0 0 0
2 Battery of the robot connected to CU 0 1 0 0
3 Grease of the robot connected to CU 1 1 0 0
4 Battery of the robot connected to DU1 0 0 1 0
5 Grease of the robot connected to DU1 1 0 1 0
6 Battery of the robot connected to DU2 0 1 1 0
7 Grease of the robot connected to DU2 1 1 1 0
8 Battery of the robot connected to DU3 0 0 0 1
9 Grease of the robot connected to DU3 1 0 0 1

0=OFF, 1=ON

The following parts are subject to grease up.

  • 6-axis robot: Bevel gear on the Joint #6
  • SCARA, RS series: Ball screw spline unit on the Joint # 3

*11: The specified alarm can be canceled by selecting the conditions using SelAlarm1-SelAlarm8 and setting this signal.

*12: Operation of all tasks and commands, power mode of the robot, and PowerHigh command are executed by the setting value of the controller preferences.

  • Preferences (1): "Motor power low when ForcePowerLow signal OFF"
  • Preferences (2): "ForcePowerLow signal change pauses all tasks"

For details on controller preferences, see below.

[Setup]-[System Configuration]-[Controller]-[Preferences] Page

Preferences (1) Preferences (2) ForcePowerLow All tasks and commands Power mode PowerHigh
0 0 1→0 Abort Low only Accept
0 0 0→1 Abort Low only Not accept
0 1 1→0 Continue High/Low Accept
0 1 0→1 Pause Low only Not accept
1 0 1→0 Abort Low only Not accept
1 0 0→1 Abort Low only Accept
1 1 1→0 Pause Low only Not accept
1 1 0→1 Continue High/Low Accept

*13: Do not execute the Restart command of the SPEL+ program and the Start signal of the remote input at the same time. Error 2503 may occur when the programs are executed at the same time.

*14: For firmware versions 7.5.3.X or later: the warning for the maintenance data cannot be canceled with ResetAlarm.