Hand Statement

Sets the hand (arm) orientation of a point.

(1) Hand point [, Lefty | Righty]

(2) Hand


Specify Pnumber, P(expr), or point label.
Lefty | Righty
Specify the hand (arm) orientation.

Return Values
When both parameters are omitted, the hand (arm) orientation is displayed for the current robot position.

If Lefty | Righty is omitted, the hand (arm) orientation for the specified point is displayed.


Hand command is not a command to control hand (end-effecter).

  • Hand (This command): Specify the arm of manipulator is righty or lefty.|
  • Hand_On, Hand_Off, Hand_On Function, Hand_Off Function, Hand_TW Function, Hand_Def Function, Hand_Type Function, Hand_Label$ Function, Hand_Number Function: Control hand (end-effector) installed to the end of the manipulator.

Please be careful not to confuse it.

For details of Hand control commands, refer to the following manual:
"Hand Function"

See Also
Elbow, Hand Function, J4Flag, J6Flag, Wrist, J1Flag, J2Flag

Hand Statement Example

Hand P0, Lefty
Hand pick, Righty
Hand P(myPoint), myHand

P1 = -364.474, 120.952, 469.384, 72.414, 1.125, -79.991

Hand P1, Righty
Go P1

Hand P1, Lefty
Go P1