HealthRBWarningEnable Function

Returns the setting status of the parts consumption alarm notification of specified part related to the robot.

HealthRBWarningEnable(robotNumber, partType)


Specify an integer (1-16) robot number that returns the number of months remaining until the recommended replacement time.
Specify the part that returns the number of months remaining until the recommended replacement time, either as an integer (1-6) or as one of the constants listed below.

Constant Value Mode
HEALTH_ROBOT_TYPE_BATTERY 1 Specifies the batteries.
HEALTH_ROBOT_TYPE_BELT 2 Specifies the timing belts.
HEALTH_ROBOT_TYPE_GREASE 3 Specifies the grease.
HEALTH_ROBOT_TYPE_MOTOR 4 Specifies the motors.
HEALTH_ROBOT_TYPE_GEAR 5 Specifies the reduction gear units.
HEALTH_ROBOT_TYPE_BALL_SCREW_SPLINE 6 Specifies the ball screw spline.

Return Values
Returns the setting values of the parts consumption alarm in integer.

  • 1: On
  • 0: Off

See Also

HealthRBWarningEnable Function Example
Example to display the parts consumption alarm settings of the grease part of SCARA robot 1.

Print HealthRBWarningEnable(1, HEALTH_ROBOT_TYPE_GREASE )