HomeSet Statement

Specifies and displays the Home position.

(1) HomeSet j1Pulses, j2Pulses, j3Pulses, j4Pulses [, j5Pulses, j6Pulses] [, j7Pulses] [, j8Pulses, j9Pulses]

(2) HomeSet


Specify the home position encoder pulse value for joint 1 (integer) using an expression or numeric value.
Specify the home position encoder pulse value for joint 2 (integer) using an expression or numeric value.
Specify the home position encoder pulse value for joint 3 (integer) using an expression or numeric value.
Specify the home position encoder pulse value for joint 4 (integer) using an expression or numeric value.
Parameter for 6 axis robots (including N series). The home position encoder pulse value for joint 5.
Parameter for 6 axis robots (including N series). The home position encoder pulse value for joint 6.
Parameter for Joint type 7-axis robots. The home position encoder pulse value for joint 7.
Parameter for additional axis S joint. The home position encoder pulse value for joint 8 (additional S axis).
Parameter for additional axis T joint. The home position encoder pulse value for joint 9 (additional T axis).

Return Values
Displays the pulse values defined for the current Home position when parameters are omitted.

Allows the user to define a new home (standby) position by specifying the encoder pulse values for each of the robot joints.

Robot parameter data is stored in compact flash in controller. Therefore, writing to command flash occurs when executing this command. Frequent writing to compact flash affect to lifetime of compact flash. We recommend to use this command minimally.

Potential Errors

  • Attempting to Home without HomeSet Values Defined:

    Attempting to Home the robot without setting the HomeSet values will result in an Error 2228 being issued.

  • Attempting to Display HomeSet Values without HomeSet Values Defined:

    Attempting to display home position pulse values without HomeSet values defined causes an Error 2228.

See Also
Home, HomeClr, HomeDef, Hordr, Pls

HomeSet Statement Example
The following examples are done from the command window:

> homeset 0,0,0,0  'Set Home position at 0,0,0,0
> homeset
  0  0
  0  0

> home             'Robot homes to 0,0,0,0 position

Using the Pls function, specify the current position of the arm as the Home position.

> homeset Pls(1), Pls(2), Pls(3), Pls(4)