HealthRateRBInfo Function

Returns the consumption rate for the specified robot parts.

HealthRateRBInfo(robotNumber, partType, jointNumber)


Specify the robot number (integer (1-16)) for which the part wear rate is to be returned.
Specify the part that returns the part wear rate as an integer value (1-6) or as a constant as shown below.

Constant Value Mode
HEALTH_ROBOT_TYPE_BATTERY 1 Specifies the batteries.
HEALTH_ROBOT_TYPE_BELT 2 Specifies the timing belts.
HEALTH_ROBOT_TYPE_GREASE 3 Specifies the grease.
HEALTH_ROBOT_TYPE_MOTOR 4 Specifies the motors.
HEALTH_ROBOT_TYPE_GEAR 5 Specifies the reduction gear units.
HEALTH_ROBOT_TYPE_BALL_SCREW_SPLINE 6 Specifies the ball screw spline.
Specify the joint that returns the part wear rate as an integer value (1-9). This command is unavailable for the additional axes.

Return Values
Real number representing the current parts consumption rate, when regarding the recommended replacement time as 100%. (Unit: %)

Returns “-1” when the robot does not have the specified parts.

This command calculates the parts consumption rate based on the actual operating condition.


The recommended replacement time is the recommended time to replace the parts calculated based on statistics.
Replacement may be required before the consumption rate reaches 100%.
In addition, the parts will not become immediately unusable when the consumption rate reaches 100%.
However, it is recommended to replace the parts soon as the possibility of breakage increases after the consumption rate reaches 100%.

See Also
HealthRBAlarmOn, HealthRBInfo

HealthRateRBInfo Function Example
The example below outputs the alarm when the consumption rate of the Joint #3 reduction gear unit on the robot 1 reaches 90%.

Function AlarmCheck
Real HealthRate

HealthRate = HealthRateRBInfo(1, HEALTH_ROBOT_TYPE_GEAR,3)
If HealthRate > 90 Then
Print "Alarm ON"