Home Statement
Moves the robot arm to the user defined home position.
Executes low speed Point to Point motion to the Home (standby) position specified by HomeSet, in the homing order defined by Hordr.
Normally, for SCARA robots (including RS series), the Z joint (J3) returns first to the HomeSet position, then the J1, J2 and J4 joints simultaneously return to their respective HomeSet coordinate positions. The Hordr instruction can change this order of the axes returning to their home positions.
Home Status Output:
When the robot is in its Home position, the controller's system Home output is turned ON.
Potential Error
Attempting to Home without HomeSet Values Defined
Attempting to Home the robot without setting the HomeSet values will result in an Error 2228 being issued.
See Also
HomeClr, HomeDef, HomeSet, Hordr
Home Statement Example
The Home instruction can be used in a program such as this:
Function InitRobot
If Motor = Off Then
Motor On
Or it can be issued from the Command window like this:
> home