Part Feeding SPEL+ Command Reference
This section provides a description of Part Feeding SPEL+ commands that can be used from user-created SPEL+ programs. The following is the list of commands.
Command/Function | Description/Application |
PF_Abort | Forces the Part Feeding process to stop |
PF_AccessFeeder | Get a lock for robot accessing feeder |
PF_ActivePart | Switch active part during multi-part operation |
PF_Backlight | Turns the backlight on or off |
PF_BacklightBrightness | Sets the brightness of the backlight |
PF_Center | Perform the feeder centering operation |
PF_CenterByShift | Perform the centering operation by shifting |
PF_Flip | Perform the flip operation |
PF_Hopper | Controls hoppers |
PF_Info Function | Retrieves Part Feeding properties |
PF_InitLog | Enables log file output and specifies the destination path |
PF_IsStopRequested Function | Returns whether the PF_Stop command has been issued |
PF_Name$ Function | Returns the part name from a part ID |
PF_Number Function | Returns a part ID from a part name |
PF_Purge Function | Run the Purge Operation |
PF_Output | Controls the feeder’s output terminal. (Used when controlling two Gen.1 hoppers simultaneously) |
PF_OutputOnOff | Controls the feeder’s output terminal. (Used when controlling one Gen.1 hopper at a time) |
PF_PurgeGate | Controls the opening and closing of the purge gate |
PF_PurgeGateStatus Function | Returns the status of the Purge Gate’s close sensor |
PF_QtyAdjHopperTime Function | Returns the appropriate hopper operation time |
PF_QueAdd | Data in the coordinates queue Adds data (point data, part orientation, user data) to the coordinates queue |
PF_QueAutoRemove | Configures the auto remove function for the coordinates queue |
PF_QueAutoRemove | Returns the status of the auto remove function set for the coordinates queue |
PF_QueGet Function | Returns point data from the coordinates queue |
PF_QueLen Function | Returns the data quantity registered to the coordinates queue |
PF_QueList | Displays the coordinates queue data list |
PF_QuePartOrient | Sets and displays the part orientation |
PF_QuePartOrient Function | Returns the part orientation from the coordinates queue |
PF_QueRemove | Delete one data entry in the coordinates queue |
PF_QueSort | Sets and displays the coordinates queue sorting method |
PF_QueSort Function | Returns the coordinates queue sorting method |
PF_QueUserData | Sets and displays the user data registered to the coordinates queue |
PF_QueUserData Function | Returns user data from the coordinates queue |
PF_ReleaseFeeder | Release the lock acquired by PF_AccessFeeder |
PF_Shift | Perform a shift operation |
PF_Start | Starts the Part Feeding process for a specified part |
PF_Stop | Issues a Part Feeding process end request |