
Adds data (point data, part orientation, user data) to the parts coordinates queue.

PF_QueAdd part ID, point data [, part orient [, user data]]


  • Part ID
    Specify the part ID. (Use an integer from 1 to 32.)
  • Point data
    Specify the the point data.
  • Part Orient
    Integer expression used to register the part orientation along with point data.
    This can be omitted.
    PFPARTORIENTFRONT=1 The part : faces up.
    PFPARTORIENTBACK=2 The part faces : down.
  • User Data
    Real expression used to register the user data along with the point data.
    This can be omitted.

Return values

This is used to register data (point data, part orientation, user data) to the parts coordinates queue.
The parts coordinates queue is generated automatically within the Part Feeding process. Under normal circumstances, PF_QueAdd is not needed. This is used when using unique vision processes (using the PF_Vision callback function).
Data is added to the end of the parts coordinates queue for the specified part ID. However, data will be registered according to the sorting method set should one be applied using PF_QueSort.
Up to 1,000 data items can be retained in a parts coordinates queue.

Refer to the following for further details.