Errors that Occur While Using Epson RC+
Message | Cause/solution |
There are no cameras in the system. You can add cameras from [Setup] - [System Configuration] - [Vision]. | A camera has not been registered to the system. Register the camera. |
Part Feeding is not supported for virtual controllers. | The Part Feeding option does not support virtual controllers. Connect to the Controller. |
Part Feeding Option is not installed or enabled. Check [Setup] - [Options]. | The Part Feeding option has not been enabled. This option requires a separate fee. Please purchase an option key code from one of our distributors and perform the setup process. |
There are no part feeders enabled in System Configuration. | A feeder has not been registered to the system. Alternatively, the feeder has not been enabled. Register or enable the feeder. |
The calibration vision sequence has not been specified. | The calibration vision sequence has not been specified. Specify the calibration vision sequence on the Vision page of the Part Feeding dialog. |
No more parts can be added. | Up to 32 part types can be registered on a single project. Either delete parts that are not in use, or overwrite parameters on parts not in use to keep using them. |
Invalid vision calibration for calibration vision sequence. A robot camera calibration must be specified for the sequence. | Vision calibration has not been configured for the parts detection vision sequence or the feeder calibration vision sequence. Configure a valid vision calibration for Calibration property in each vision sequence. |
Calibration Error: Too many parts. | The number of parts to feed is too large during feeder calibration. Or, the part is falsely detected due to improper vision settings. Input the correct number of parts displayed on the screen. Alternatively, review vision settings to make changes. |
Calibration Error: Not enough parts. | The number of parts to feed is too small during feeder calibration. Or, the part is not detected due to improper vision settings. Input the correct number of parts displayed on the screen. Alternatively, review vision settings to make changes. |
Part could not be found. | No parts have been fed during feeder calibration. Or, the part is not detected due to improper vision settings. Input the correct number of parts displayed on the screen. Alternatively, review vision settings to make changes. |
Failed to open/close the feeder communication port. Check the connection of the feeder. | 1) Feeder connection disconnected. Check that the Ethernet connection between the feeder and the Controller is functioning normally (have cables become disconnected, is there a hub failure or a lack of power supply to the hub, etc.). Check the power supply to the feeder. 2) Settings for communication with feeder (Feeder model, IP address, Subnet mask, Port) is incorrect. Review settings to make changes. |
Cannot connect with part feeder x | Feeder connection disconnected. Check that the Ethernet connection between the feeder and the Controller is functioning normally (have cables become disconnected, is there a hub failure or a lack of power supply to the hub, etc.). Check the power supply to the feeder. |
An undefined function was specified. | Close the Part Feeding window and try rebuilding the project. |
The controller could not connect with the part feeder using the current settings. | Settings for communication with feeder (Feeder model, IP address, Subnet mask, Port) is incorrect. Review settings to make changes. |
To support Part Feeding, this version of Epson RC+ 8.0 requires that the controller firmware must be ** or greater. | The controller version does not match the RC + version. Update the firmware of the controller. |
Part Feeding Part ** was configured for use with part feeder ** (model **), but feeder ** in the controller is model **. The feeder model for the part will be changed and the part will need to be re-calibrated. Continue? | Unconformity arose with feeder setting of part because feeder model has been changed at system settings. Change feeder model correctly at system settings or operate calibration again for the parts. |
The part feeder firmware version( ** ) is not compatible with this version of Epson RC+ 8.0. The part feeder firmware version for model ** must be ** or greater. | 1) Part Feeding is not supporting this firmware version of this feeder. Update the firmware of the feeder. 2) Other manufacturers feeder is connected. Connect the feeder purchased from us. |
One or more Part Feeding parts uses a Compact Vision unit with firmware **. Compact Vision firmware version must be ** or greater for use with Part Feeding. | 1) When using CV with Part Feeding, CV firmware version needs to be or greater. Update firmware version of CV. 2) When using CV with Part Feeding, use CV2-SA/HA, CV2-HB/SB/LB CV1 or CV2-S/H/L is not supported. |