
Turns the feeder output terminal on and off.
Set this command to On to supply parts from a hopper. Set the value to Off to stop supplying parts from a hopper.
The IF-80 has a built-in hopper. Optional hoppers are available for other feeder models.

(1) PF_OutputONOFF feeder number/feeder name, On, output number [, duration] [, wait]
(2) PF_OutputONOFF feeder number/feeder name, Off


  • Feeder Number
    Specify the feeder number (an integer from 1 to 4) either as an expression or a numerical value.
  • Name
    Specify the feeder name as a character string.
  • On/Off
    Set On(1) / Off(0).
  • Output Number
    Specify the output destination. This can be specified when the command is set to On.
    1: Out terminal 1
    2: Out terminal 2
  • Duration
    Specify the duration to turn on. 1- 30000 milliseconds can be specified.
    Setting this to 0 or omitting this value will set this command to always remain On.
  • Wait Setting
    Specify whether or not to insert a wait time. Only for IF-80.
    0: Does not wait for hopper operation to be completed.
    1: Wait for hopper operation to be completed.

Return values

Control will return immediately after running this command (including the case where the wait setting is 0 for IF-80). Use the Wait command as shown in the example to wait for the hopper to complete its actions.
Output terminals 1 and 2 cannot both be turned On at the same time. For example, turning terminal 1 On will turn terminal 2 Off.
When set to Off, both terminals 1 and 2 will be Off.
The hopper(s) will stop when the PF_Abort command is executed. The hopper(s) will not stop when the PF_Stop command is executed.
If "Hopper installed" is not checked in [System Configuration] - [Controller] - [Parts Feeder], error 2584 (Purge Gate is not valid.) will occur.
This function cannot be executed from the virtual controller or command window.
When a purge gate is used with the IF-240, Out pin 2 is used to control the purge gate. Therefore, setting the output number to 2 will not change the output of Out 2, although it can be executed.

Refer to the following for further details.