PF_Purge / PF_Purge Function
Purging (ejecting the parts on the feeder) is performed.
When the purge operation is performed (without success or not), the coordinate queue of the part specified by the part ID is cleared.
PF_Purge partID, type[, duration[, remain[, retry]]]
PF_Purge (partID, type[, duration[, remain[, retry]]])
- Part ID
Specify the part ID. (Use an integer from 1 to 32.) - Type
Specify the process.
Value (defined by | Details |
PF_PURGETYPE_NOVISION | Without vision feedback. Not count the number of remaining parts. |
PF_PURGETYPE_VISION | With vision feedback. Counts the number of remaining parts using vision. |
- Duration
Specify the hopper operating time. (In milliseconds)
This can be omitted.
When omitted, the value set below will be used.
Purge Test & Adjust
When integer value is -1, the operation is same as omitted one. - Remain
Specifies a threshold number of remaining parts, which causes the purging operation to be retried if exceeded.
This can be omitted.
When the operation type is PF_PURGETYPENOVISION, operation is not going to be changed regardless of settings.
When the operation type is PF_PURGETYPENOVISION, retry is operated until remain is 0 if remain omitted. - Retry
Specifies the maximum number of times to retry the purge operation. (The initial purge operation is included in the number of times.)
This can be omitted.
When the operation type is PF_PURGETYPENOVISION, operation is not going to be changed regardless of settings.
When the operation type is PF_PURGETYPE_VISION and the number of retries is omitted, the purge operation will be performed until only the "remain" number of parts remain on the platform, or (in the case that "remain" and "retry" have both been omitted) until all parts have been removed from the platform.
Return values
Returns True when purging has completed successfully. Returns False if the number of parts remaining on the feeder exceeds the remain value within the specified number of retries.
The IF-80 has an available purge option (which consists of a special platform and a removable purge box).
The IF-240, IF-380 and IF-530 have an available Purge Gate option. The Purge Gate installation is enabled from [Setup] - [System Configuration] - [Controller] - [Part Feeding] - [Feeder]. Each part that uses a feeder with the Purge Gate installed, can either use or not use the Purge Gate. If the Purge Gate is used for the part then the opening, the closing and the sensor detection will be automatically handled by the PF_Purge statement.
The customer can also make their own purge door mechanism. In that case, the PF_Purge statement will simply shift parts off of the feeder platform.
When the type is "PF_PURGETYPEVISION", the Part Blob Sequence is used to approximate the number of parts on the platform.
To enable/disable purging and to determine the direction of the purge, refer to following.
Prevent Interference with Hand
The IF-80 must be calibrated for purging.
Refer to the following for further details.
Purge - Automatic Calibration (for IF-80)
When the purge is disabled and this function is called, an error occurs and the PF_Startus callback function will be called with PF_STATUSPURGENOTENABLED.
Cannot be executed from a virtual controller or command window.
In EPSON RC+ 7.5.0, the remain and retry parameters were not optional even if the type = 1. For EPSON RC+ 7.5.0, specify a value of "0" for remain and retry when type =1.
Example 1:
Purge Part #1 using vision feedback. Each purge duration is 1500 msec. 3 parts can remain on the platform. 5 retries will be attempted.
Boolean purgeStatus
purgeStatus = PF_Purge(1, PF_PURGETYPE_VISION, 1500, 3, 5)
Print purgeStatus
Example 2:
Purge Part #1 without vision feedback. Purge for 2000 msec.