PF_PurgeGateStatus Function

Get the close sensor status of the purge gate (optional).

PF_PurgeGateStatus(feeder number/feeder name)


  • Feeder Number
    Specify the feeder number (an integer from 1 to 4) either as an expression or a numerical value.
  • Name
    Specify the feeder name as a character string.

Return values
False if the close sensor is On (the gate is closed).
True if the close sensor is Off (the gate is not closed).

The purge gate has a close sensor, but no open sensor. In other words, when the purge gate is even slightly open, this function returns True.
Control will be returned immediately after this command is executed.
If "Purge gate installed" is not checked in [System Configuration] - [Controller] - [Parts Feeder], error 2593 (Feeder purge output is not valid) will occur.
This function cannot be executed from the virtual controller or command window.

Refer to the following for further details.