Part Feeding Log File

Operation Overview

The Part Feeding log file is a log file that records the following actions performed as part of the process of operations, and the operation time and results.

  • Vision processing
  • Feeder control
  • Callback function operation (Robot, Status)

The Part Feeding log file can be used to perform the following.

  • Check the cycle time for part pick up.
  • Check the number of parts that can be picked up with each attempt in order to adjust the hopper feed amount.
  • Check and make improvements to actions taking up an undue amount of time based on operation processing times.

Note that the Controller must be connected to the PC to use this function.

Enabling the Log Function

Connect the Controller to the PC. Program PF_InitLog to run before PF_Start.
Refer to the following for further details.

Log File Format

Common Items

Log files are in CSV format. File names are specified as a PF_InitLog parameter.
The following data is recorded in chronological order to a single log file. The "Data" fields vary depending upon the log Type. All other fields are common.

Column Column name Format Details
1 DateTime Character string Time action started (yyyy/mm/dd hh:MM:ss)
2 Tick Real value Time elapsed since PF_Start started running [seconds] (s.sss)
3 Time Real value Processing time [seconds] (s.sss)
4 Type Character string Operation Type
5 ID Integer number Part ID
6 Data1 Varies depending on the data type (Type).
7 Data2
8 Data3
9 PartName Character string Name of the part
10 RobotNo Integer number Robot number assigned to the part
11 FeederNo Integer number Feeder number assigned to the part
12 Project Character string EPSON RC+ project name

The relationship between the DateTime reading and the Tick, Time reading is as shown in the diagram below.

Vision Sequence Log

This log records the time required by the Part Feeding process to process the vision sequence specified by the Part Vision Sequence described in Vision, the number of parts detected facing up, and the number of parts facing down.
Refer to the following section for further details.

Column Column name Format Details
4 Type Character string Log type ("UserVision")
5 ID Integer number Part ID
6 NumFront Integer number Number of parts facing up
7 NumBack Integer number Number of parts facing down

System Vision Sequence Log

This log records the time required by the Part Feeding process to process the vision sequence generated internally to detect the distribution of parts, etc.

Column Column name Format Details
4 Type Character string Log type ("SystemVision")
5 ID Integer number Part ID

Vibration Log

This log records types of feeder vibration actions performed by the System or by the User.

Column Column name Format Details
4 Type Character string Operation type:
Separation Separate
Centering Centering
Shift Shift
BackShift BackShift
Flip FlipFlip
CenterByShift CenterByShift
Purge Purge
QtyAdjHopperTime QtyAdjHopperTime
5 ID Integer number Part ID
6 Callback Name Character string Name of the callback (or System) where the vibration was executed:
System Feeder
Robot Vision System
Control MobileCam
CycleStop Status

Timing Diagram: User Vibration executed inside a Callback

Timing Diagram: System Vibration


The Data1 column in the log file will show "System" if the vibration is performed by the system. Otherwise, Data1 will show the name of the Callback where the User executed the vibration.

PF_Robot Callback Function Log

This log records the number of parts processed with the PF_Robot callback function.

Column Column name Format Details
4 Type Character string Operation type ("Robot")
5 ID Integer number Part ID
6 Num Integer number

Number of Parts Processed (active parts only)

(Number of registered entries in the coordinates queue before calling - Number of registered entries in the coordinates queue after calling)

PF_MobileCam Callback Function Log

This log records the PF_MobileCam callback function action type.

Column Column name Format Details
4 Type Character string Operation type ("MobileCam")
5 ID Integer number Part ID
6 Action Integer number Move robot to the image capture position 2001
Retract the robot 2002

PF_Control Callback Function Log

This log records the PF_Control callback function action type.

Column Column name Format Details
4 Type Character string Operation type ("Control")
5 ID Integer number Part ID
6 Action Integer number Hopper operation (no parts) 2100
Hopper operation (add parts) 2101
User lighting On 2102
User lighting Off 2103

Timing Diagram: Vision with Front Light

Timing Diagram: User Vibration executed inside PF_Control Callback

PF_Status Callback Function Log

This log records the PF_Status callback function status type.

Column Column name Format Details
4 Type Character string Operation type ("Status")
5 ID Integer number Part ID
6 Status Integer number The status or user error occurred
Normal 0
Parts not supplied 2200
Excessive parts 2201
Invalid ID 2202
Invalid parameter 2203
Calibration not complete 2204
A system error occurred 2205
Undetectable part(s) present 2206
Part blob sequence failure 2207
Part vision sequence failure 2208
Feeder in use 2209
Part disabled 2210
Purge disabled 2211
User Error 8000 - 8999

PF_Vision Callback Function Log

This log records the number of parts detected with the PF_Vision callback function that are facing up/down.

Column Column name Format Details
4 Type Character string Operation type ("VisionCallback")
5 ID Integer number Part ID
6 NumFront Integer number Number of parts detected that are facing up
7 NumBack Integer number Number of parts detected that are facing down

Timing Diagram: User Vibration executed inside PF_Vision Callback

PF_Feeder callback Function

This log records the PF_Feeder callback function state type.

Column Column name Format Details
4 Type Character string Operation type ("Feeder")
5 ID Integer number Part ID
6 State Integer number Recommended Action:
Plate Type is Structured 0
OK to pick 1
Supply more parts 2
Flip 3
Shift 4
Center & Flip 5
Hopper is empty 6
Shift Backwards 7
Hopper supply, Center & Flip 8
Too many parts 9
Wrong part 10

Timing Diagram: User Vibrations executed inside PF_Feeder Callback

PF_CycleStop Callback Function Log

This log records the PF_CycleStop callback function state type.

Column Column name Format Details
4 Type Character string Log type ("CycleStop")
5 ID Integer number Part ID

Log Sample

The following is a sample of a Part Feeding log.