
Sets and displays the sorting method applied to the parts coordinates queue specified.

PF_QueSort part ID [,sort method]


  • Part ID
    Specify the part ID. (Use an integer from 1 to 32.)
  • Sort Method
    Set the sorting method using integer numbers (0 to 8), or with the constants described below.
    This can be omitted when running from the Command window.
    When omitted, the current sorting method in use will be displayed.
    Constant Value Details
    QUE_SORT_NONE 0 Do not sort (use the Parts Coordinates Queue registration order)
    QUE_SORT_POS_X 1 Sort in ascending order by the X coordinate
    QUE_SORT_INV_X 2 Sort in descending order by the X coordinate
    QUE_SORT_POS_Y 3 Sort in ascending order by the Y coordinate
    QUE_SORT_INV_Y 4 Sort in descending order by the Y coordinate
    QUE_SORT_POS_USER 5 Sort in ascending order by the user data.
    QUE_SORT_INV_USER 6 Sort in descending order by the user data.
    QUE_SORT_POS_PARTORIENT 7 Sort in ascending order by the part orientation.
    QUE_SORT_INV_PARTORIENT 8 Sort in descending order by the part orientation.

Return values

Sets the sorting method applied to the parts coordinates queue. Point data added using PF_QueAdd will be registered to the parts coordinates queue according to the sorting method set.
Therefore, you must run PF_QueSort before using PF_QueAdd. Note that data will not be resorted if this function is used after the data has already been added.
